Love bombing and manipulation

Deniserity August 27, 2023 2:06 am

Nah, Heesung more sus Doc Dan, also having some kind of Stockholm Syndrome to JK i’ll keep reading lol fiction is fiction.

    Tmsmyz August 27, 2023 2:18 am

    I agree with you on Heesung and that is unfortunate because I was hoping he wasn’t going to be like that.
    However, it isn’t Stockholm Syndrome.

    As we know, Stockholm Syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time. This condition applies to situations including child abuse, coach-athlete abuse, relationship abuse and sex trafficking

    This isn’t the right type of relationship abuse and if you look at psychological causes, signs and symptoms this story doesn’t fit.,documented%20in%20the%20research%20include%3A&text=Feeling%20closely%20bonded%20or%20attached,of%20the%20captor%20or%20abuser

    It gives you 5 Examples of Stockholm Syndrome. None are close. 4 is the Stockholm syndrome abusive relationship. The abuse that causes Stockholm Syndrome isn’t there and there many elements that doesn’t allow to develop to Stockholm syndrome.
    The original Beauty and the beast is Stockholm Syndrome but the Disney’s version isn’t.,syndrome%20have%20all%20but%20vanished.

    CherryTree August 27, 2023 7:52 am

    It's more '' buying affection '' than '' love bombing '' if=as the actor didn't do anything bad to Doc Dan _ < Love bombing > is conventionnally used in domestic abuse when the perpetrator of physical/psychological abuse is '' making amend '' by trying desesperately to make their victim forget about the abuse and make them '' forgive '' (and forget) it is used when there is a history = a cycle of white washing the dark violence outbursts with love bombing _ but I get that you are being wary of such <presents showering> it's excessive! I like the term < romantic manipulators > when doing grand gestures in excess, it's quite cringey in my book.

    CherryTree August 27, 2023 8:03 am

    I forgot the interrogation mark . Call it '' love bombing '' if you want ;-)
    That's an emotionnally manipulative behaviour. Agreed !!! And it's good to always pin point those behaviours.
    I would say love bombing and love showering ? If we need to make a distinction between toxic and romantic ?
    But yeah romantic bombing /present showering is suffocating , it's putting the other person in a feeling of obligation. Even if it's not meant to.

    toilet terrorist August 27, 2023 11:24 am

    Stockholm syndrome is a form of trauma bonding, it would be best to just be vague here since we dont know enough about the way dan feels yet. Hes only been like this for what...5 chapters maybe?? Lets generalise it to a trauma bond, it causes less confusion.