But she wasn't tho, she was hugging him and the point of view is rose tinted because of the way Dowha was seeing it. She could have just even said thank you and he would have blushed as fuck because in is mind it's like oh my god she said thank that's such a big deal !! And it's okay it's like that when you have crush every little thinks matter...

How is she leading him on ? Because she is having fun staying with him, touching him ( not even in a weird way ) ? I'm sorry but she is just chilling with her friends ? And his feeling are not obvious in her point of view remember that we are reading in a third point of view so for us it is obvious we see what she doesn't ! Nobody is ignoring his feeling but you can't say that she is leading him on when she did nothing but hang out with him in a friendly way... And please be respectful because dickrider doesn't sit right with me, don't disrespect me like that.
She’s so annoying soo ae keeps clinging on Dohwa when everyone knows she won’t return his feelings why does she keep doing this to him just leave him alone