I'M SO FVKING HAPPY THIS GOT ADAPTED TO MANHWA but tbh i was a bit surprised coz they don'...

Syiena August 25, 2023 2:01 pm

I'M SO FVKING HAPPY THIS GOT ADAPTED TO MANHWA but tbh i was a bit surprised coz they don't look like how i imagined them when i was reading the novel but I haven't finished the novel coz of some ending spoilers i read

    akuma_river September 3, 2023 3:11 am

    Yeah, the novel keeps describing others as middle age and they here look in their 30s not 50s.

    I am almost at chapter 300 and speed reading through.

    akuma_river September 17, 2023 10:36 am

    I just finished the novel. The only thing that pissed me off was the cliffy ending sentence. As if there will be a sequel but there is none. But it can also be seen as a complete work. There is a rushed ending but it fit storywise as well. At least to me.

    Hopefully this has a better ending. Now I look forward to seeing everything visualized. Will be incredible art.