I forgot to address Yeonwoo's absentee parents. No matter what you know your child. They were so bad they just said ohh he is going through puberty so that they dont have to check on his status. Your kid acts out and you don't talk with them. Just a talk and reading body language would have spoken volumes. But to do that you have to take an interest on the other person. This story tries to paint them as the best loving parents but they are not. It is very superficial if they they could not tell their kid was troubled and didn't question or open the lines of communication they failed as parents.
Yeonwoo's friend that transfer told his parents, why couldn't Yeonwoo. Why did he choose to stay at a school where he has no fiends, being bullied every day and is unhappy. Nahhh.. there are many ways out but are you going to try the doors that could be open to you.

Well the first time he did try to find help was from a teacher, remember the response he got then? No way you would think the police would do anything. Also as a male to go through sexual harrassment is way more difficult to talk about, especially in Korea. Bullying as well. Also the last guy who did help him, ended up regretting it and told it right to his face. Wish made him blame himself even more, Wish made him scared of getting other people in to trouble, bullying or whatever. He wanted to protect his friend by NOT get him involved because he knew what would happen. Plus, low confidence will mess up all the courage you have especially as a teenager.

I don’t disagree with the fact that yeonwoo could have told his parents but it is so difficult to talk to your parents about these kinds of things. Also, in the previous chapters, there’s a scene where yeonwoo explicitly begs Junhyuk to never tell his parents. Sure. His parents could have helped him but yeonwoo did not want his parents to know about it. I also agree that i wish his parents looked more into it, asked him what’s wrong, but you also gotta realize that adults are not mind readers. If the kid doesn’t tell them what’s going on, they’re not going to magically figure everything out.
Considering yeonwoo’s personality, this is not a situation about pride. It’s about him having extremely low self-esteem and feeling like he doesn’t deserve anyone’s help. Look what happened to his friend when the friend tried to help him. He gets bullied too, is fed a cockroach and is tormented for trying to help yeonwoo. That’s gotta be traumatizing to yeonwoo. Then junhyuk tries to help him by beating up the bullies and he gets injured too and it ruins his potential future with soccer. It wouldn’t be realistic for yeonwoo to go and ask his friends for help when he’s had two situations in the past where people helping him have suffered IMMENSELY. Let’s not blame the victim and instead have more empathy towards the decisions he’s made. Healing from that kind of trauma doesn’t get fixed with a snap of a finger. It takes a long time.

You speak about low self estimate. That has a root. Where did that come from if his environment was so great. No one is blaming the victims for being victims. But i dont want to humor someone who didn't do his best and exhausted all his possible options to survive. This is not a pity party its survival. Yeonwoo could have been put in a grave or raped if it kept escalating. He would have just watched it come and did nothing. We are built in with fight or flight for our survival. I respect everyone's point of view. Because everyone is different, but some battle you can't shy from or hide under a rock you have to face them head on otherwise it won't stop.
Yeonwoo had many opportunities to reach out for help; Friend, family, police and even a stranger. Yet he did not choose to do that beause his pride was more important than his survival. Not only that he got involved in his friend's fight two times. If Yeonwoo is not going to help fight get out of other people's way. If his friend fought that guy at the Karaoka then there would have been more opportunities for help and backup in the fight. Yeonwoo's girl would have intervene and called for help. The other guy that was in the room would have jumped in. So many possibilities. In addition the places staff would have come. So, I do not feel sorry for someone who choose their pride over their survival.