Bivhh has cyber bullied /stalk me for about a month now. I blocked them like a month ago and they don’t get the memo. Toilet, I had blocked but I unblocked him. Sometimes he is decent. I was wrong calling him a cyber stalker but he was wrong with his reply to me. You were wrong to signal me out. The comment I am responding to: it is not aggressive, it is not rude, and it is just explaining things and dealing with cyber bullying. Toilet, who did the same thing had a different reply. He was more interested in sharing his opinions and story details, after his first comment at me. He is more interested in the story than singling me out or targeting me with lies.
Let’s look at it.
Did I have a lot of say about Heesung? I said one line about Heesung. Nothing about JK when I mentioned JK many times? You agree with dishonesty?
I didn’t call Heesung anything here. However both are manipulative. Both are abusive in different ways. Jk isn’t a narcissist and Heesung might not either. Not all love bombers are narcissist.
But you are not calling them out for an unnecessary argument (person attacking me) for overthinking my comment and taking it too far? Why are you singling me out on a lie?
There was no point to mention common knowledge. I was mentioning new knowledge from the latest chapter that may not be known. That wasn’t the main point of my reply. There was no bias and no point to mention JK’s because it is not new. It is like mentioning his ears over and over again. Just because I talked about Heesung’s ears in one comment and neglected JK’s ears does not mean “I am biased”. Heesung is new! JK had his 15 minutes of fame. Let’s Heesung have his time.
They over thought my comments. This one lied about me and was passive aggressive. Obviously obsessed with me and JK to not let Heesung have his time and to take my reply out of context. You side with gaslighting from someone cyber bullying me?
I feel sleep while defending myself from your false accusations.
Instead of making up to 8 more replies I will make one.
1) My reply Aug 25 4:39. It is detailed and an explanation. It had an assertive call out. I was enjoying talking about the manhwa. There was no rude behavior. There were no aggressiveness. I didn’t take anything to far as I was defending myself from a cyber bully and Toilet’s false accusation. Like I said Toilet is decent sometimes. If you read his comment. Only the first two sentences were wrong. The rest was about the story. If he did not add the beginning to falsely accuse me, I would not have much of my problem with him. If he wants to pick Heesung without knowing much about him. That is on him. That is his opinion and that is fine. He just read my comment wrong. My comment really don’t apply to him now since his seems to be a misunderstanding. Get it? My comment on “accuse” people are only on cyber bullies like the other one and Mikaela. I am not calling genuine people or good faith people anything. I have the right to defend myself from the aggressiveness I received. Their aggressiveness is okay because they have the same opinion but you go after their victim who is defending themselves from their bullying?? It had nothing to do with the story or an interpretation of a story it what I am standing up against.
2) Mikaela (skipped)
3) thug (skipped)
4) in the previous reply you said you were not perceptive. I used story points to help you. It was detailed and I was enjoying talking about the story as you claimed to be. There was nothing wrong with this reply.
5) Spooky (skipped)
6) Spooky “not the serious”. I was talking about the story? I was enjoying talking about the story, I was having a conversation with you and spooky threatened by paragraph has to be aggressive towards me. Some people naturally write long paragraphs and it is just enjoying the story. Why didn’t you jump on him?? This is hypocritical. What I did was acceptable in natural and real conversations. Spooky’s actions were not. You just didn’t want to hear about the story from its pov. I don’t know why Spooky make that foolish comment about them. When I wrote that it was directed at two. Now, it is only at one. Spooky is not neither of them. They seemed to get offended and take it personally. They were talking it too far and overthinking what I said to two different people. Well, three because me explaining the story ( the long paragraph) was to you. But you are not going after them for what you said I did. They clearly did it to me. If you stand with them, you are gaslighting me for their own actions against me. You are standing with the aggressors against the victim because they have the same opinion. It is not about the same opinion here.
6) me: was a explanation. It was a call out to his bad behavior. It was not rude or aggressive.
7) Thug: skip.
8) you can “agree” with them. I was enjoying talking about the story. Two took my first comment out of context to call me biased - taking to far and overthinking it. Another one called me out on enjoying talking about the story with long paragraphs which is natural in conversations. I stood up to the bullies. I was assertive and called out while I explained the story and other facts.
Like I said, you’re taking this too far and now accusing people of being cyber bullies just because they disagreed with you and said you needed to calm down. Just take a deep breath and leave the internet for a while and go touch some grass. Nobody here is attacking you, nobody is gaslighting you, nobody is bullying you, and it’s not that deep. I won’t respond to this anymore because it’s annoying and I’m tired of arguing so please just get some help and walk away
In reality, I am calling a spade a spade. I am calling cyber bullies, cyber bullies. It has nothing to do with a disagreement and I am clear on that. A personal attack is not a disagreement. Seek professional help if you think personally attacking others as seen in the replies here are a “disagreement”. Your reply is a gaslighting me. Gaslighting is a form of abuse. Telling someone to calm down is control. I have been calm. “Take a deep breath and leave the internet and go touch grass” is more control. Take your own advice. I am not leaving. I don’t need to a take a breath or go touch grass. You need to go touch grass if you think you can control others or think your BS gaslighting will work. I have been attacking. If you think otherwise - seek professional help. I have been gaslighted see your pathetic comments to me. They don’t fit reality. If you think otherwise, seek professional help. People have been trying to bully me. You are trying to bully me here with the gaslight and controlling comments, professional help. I am not arguing. I was standing up against your false accusations. The one that needs help isn’t me. Your reply is abusive and it is cowardly. Please grow the hell up. Stop controlling people. Stop making personal attacks, a “disagreement”. Your reply was disgusting. (“No one is attacking you.” Vs “Go touch grass” is an insult- an attack. What a joke). It is annoying because your lies are being called out. Stop lying and being a bully.
This was a cringe comment from you. Cringe.
But I should be thanking you for showing:
How you gaslighted me.
How you lied about me and the situation.
How you tried to control me.
How you tried to insult me.
Doing the opposite of what you claimed had happened.
Your comments were manipulative and abusive.
Your comments are weak and immature accusations. I expected nothing less from the Internet bully. You are the one that needs your own advice. Learn how to communicate better with people.
You are the one taking too far. You are accusing him of calling people of being cyber bullies just because they disagree with him. Gaslighting.
You are accusing him of being stressed out when others are trying to controlling him. Gaslighting. Telling someone to “chill” does the opposite as it is controlling. Unfortunately, for you, he has been calm and unstressed. You have this situation wrong.
Then you take it too far by trying to control him. He is not the one who needs your advice. There must be many nobodies. Many nobodies have attacked him, gaslight him, and tried to bully him. You sound like one of those immature nonsensical nobodies. You must be a secondary account that can’t take responsibility for your behavior and gaslight. So, instead of admitting the truth, you double down in cowering and gaslighting him. You falsely accused him and then he stood against you, isn’t an argument. If you don’t respond to him your topic probably would had died. You are the one that kept it going- you advice fits you only. He only reacted to your bad faith behavior. His actions are natural and being an adult calling out your bad behavior. He defended himself. If you cant handle someone defending them themselves from your bad behavior then don’t diss it out. He had to right to stand up against you. You don’t have the right to make it look like he lost touch with reality and try to control him, just because he is right and stood up against you. How cowardly. You only proved yourself to be a coward because you hide behind insults, gaslighting, and control instead of talking with honor. Your strategy is nothing but cowering and gaslighting. You are showing how weak you are. You took the lost here.
You can’t control people and it seems you can’t control yourself either. So please go some help and walk away, using your logic. Imagine if you did instead of wanting to attack him the first time known you were falsely accusing him. If you were right, you would be a hypocrite. But you were trying to look good in front of other like mind bullies and exposed yourself as one. Disgusting. TMSM completely debunked you but you kept that false accusation. That is bad faith behavior. That is all you did-expose yourself.
Definitely, another bad faith actor. You forgot to include how you debunked it. You made a few good points that you could had added. He singled you out when what he accused you of doing was done to you. He dismissed your questions that debunked his accusations. You are talking to them while they are talking down to you. Since they have lack of communication skills they berated you over their own problem they cause, and taking the lost as they have no rational arguments or skills for a civil conversation. They were being aggressive too to you camouflaging as “help”. Disgusting
I know they were setting this up as seeing if Jaekyung will show any jealousy or not but I feel like at the pace the story is moving, it’ll be a loooooong time before that. My prediction is that it’ll prob not result in anything besides Jaekyung getting mad at Dan accusing him of wanting to spread his booty cheeks for other men if they got the money (which isn’t wrong tbh) and say Dan is his property or whatever toxic bs