Yes. The youngest sister the most sincerely while everyone else is more upset over how it effects themselves. They end up leaving the capital in the end.
The fiancee is a mixture of contradictions, he wants her to awaken so no one would question their engagement, but at some point it became an obsession and he stopped seeing her. He just give ick in the novel to me.
Her powers are already awakened since birth (spoiler but why else in storytelling would a woman that doctors declared incapable of carrying another child turn around and have 4 more?) She is basically a wish giver or luck amp? She boost peoples powers.
She moves in with the very unlucky knight and his equally unlucky siblings. They don't care/know her power at first and treat her with family love and hope to make her their sister in law. The romance is very sweet and timid.
I've read this novel and super love the ending. The father's magic (or gift) is so stupid he has no right to judge anyone