Don't care for this arc and its one-dimensional villain

Weeabooporn August 23, 2023 10:25 am

I've been reading this series for years, and one thing that always annoyed me is the bullies in it are so boring and unrealistic. They're all twirling moustache villains that just go harhar Yeonwoo you look like a girl, look at how evil I am. It's annoying because all the main characters are written so great. But the villains are as interesting as cardboard. This guy is barely a character he's just a characateur of evil, he has no depth at all, not even that he's disturbed or his family is sick. Just a generic bully for Yeonwoo's tragic backstory. So I don't really care honestly it's too over the top. That one classmate (forgot his name) that was blackmailing everyone earlier actually had a little depth and motivation and got reformed, so he was an interesting villain. This arc is just boring me though. You can't expect me to be shocked when we've had bullies almost exactly like this dude since chapter 20.

    Bakugou shouto August 23, 2023 10:31 am


    Dae August 23, 2023 10:42 am

    um anyways

    Kemionafs August 23, 2023 10:59 am

    Sorry I meant to dislike #-.-)

    toilet terrorist August 23, 2023 11:07 am

    You haven't unlocked human empathy yet, we need to level you up a bit more

    TaetaeCollarbone August 23, 2023 11:31 am

    I get what you are saying but just this once I want them to be pure evil. Don't want to feel any sympathy or understanding towards them.

    Chiharu August 23, 2023 11:42 am
    I get what you are saying but just this once I want them to be pure evil. Don't want to feel any sympathy or understanding towards them. TaetaeCollarbone

    Real tho i dont want to have any sympathy for those fuckers so let them be pure evil as much as they want

    octosis August 23, 2023 11:44 am

    Cool story but you must have been pretty lucky if you never ran into bullies like this who just hate their victim for now reason. Sorry to say but it's not that unrealistic. Sure, bullies generally have more to them than the bullying, but does the victim get to see that?

    uwuuuu August 23, 2023 1:43 pm

    but it isn’t unrealistic a lot of ppl that are bullies in school are mostly bullies for no reason

    jaspon August 23, 2023 2:45 pm

    there are a lot of people who don’t need a tragic backstory to be evil. That bully is a psychopath and enjoys the pain of others. This is type of bullying is unfortunately common in Korea and it’s extremely horrible there. All people care about in schools in Korea is how well you do in school, your looks, and your social status. They could care less about bullying “the weak”. No bystander intervenes because they are afraid that will be them.

    Mafube August 23, 2023 2:54 pm

    Y'all wanna be different so badly all this word salad to say a bunch of nothing. Looking for such miniscule and absurd reasons to hate on this manhwa lmao. Y'all ought to learn how to scroll past in silence.

    Weeabooporn August 23, 2023 11:46 pm

    I don't dislike the manhwa I like it very much actually. As it stands though this guy isn't really a believable psychopath, there can be more that is done with him than having 4 issues that are just shock value. Yeah some bullies are like this. He just needed a little more I think, with all the time spent on him. I don't want to like him just have it be believable. Sorry for pissing off people that's my opinion.