I wonder why there's not much people who gave rating for honto yajuu, does some people ski...

All Hail Yato August 22, 2023 10:39 am

I wonder why there's not much people who gave rating for honto yajuu, does some people skip this masterpiece?

    Gaarmeri August 22, 2023 11:01 am

    I just recently rated it, but it wasn't because I just discovered it. No, I've been following it for YEARS. The thing is that there was a time when I would refuse to give a manga a rating if I hadn't finished it. And since Honto Yajuu is still ongoing I just didn't rate it.
    However, my feelings over rating without having finished something have changed over time, and only got around to rating HY on this last update hahahaha.
    That's my story, but maybe people haven't because it is relatively older and hadn't updated in a while?

    All Hail Yato August 22, 2023 11:25 am
    I just recently rated it, but it wasn't because I just discovered it. No, I've been following it for YEARS. The thing is that there was a time when I would refuse to give a manga a rating if I hadn't finished i... Gaarmeri

    I see, then thats understandable! Different from me bcs once i feel like the manga is good then i would rate it, but when the story goes meh at the end then i will drop the rate based on how i feel about the whole story( ̄∇ ̄")

    I agree, Its an old manga and the update is quite slow so maybe thats why... also maybe some people want to wait for it comes to an end?
    Meanwhile i myself wish to read this manga where the first chapter was out(≧∀≦)

    Yellow August 22, 2023 12:26 pm

    Do you know why did mangago removed the comment section? It's the same reason why popular manga looks like they only has few people
    read it.
    Mangago did make the amount of reader looks very little. I think it's because they want to show that this site to look no one using it so the commotion will calm down. I swear, before the accident happened it was thousand readers and ratings. But now it looks like that for every manga.

    All Hail Yato August 22, 2023 11:18 pm
    Do you know why did mangago removed the comment section? It's the same reason why popular manga looks like they only has few people read it. Mangago did make the amount of reader looks very little. I think it's... Yellow

    Hmm idk about it, maybe you are right! (⊙…⊙ )

    It was my quick thoughts tho, bcs most popular manga webtoon have 500 rate above, meanwhile HY only 200+, then i was like "oh maybe some didnt bother to rate it, read it, or smth.
    But the amount of reader sure has alot. I remember years ago HY has this huge hugeee of readers, the numbers quite crazy. Just wondering the rate and the numbers of readers quite imbalance

    All Hail Yato August 22, 2023 11:20 pm

    *most of popular mangas webtoons