I would recommend reading the fan translations. The scan group is very detailed and explains the nuances of Chinese culture and nicknames. For example, Gu Fei can be referred to as Da Fei, which Jiang Cheng uses at certain times.
The official translations, for some reason, use the word “Karen” (Ch. 4) like a Chinese kid in China should know what it implies.
Characters also ask why Gu Fei’s younger sister wears a green hat; the fan translations explain the meaning of green hat in China. If I didn’t already know about this, I would be confused as to why they keep asking about it
what should I do I want read this manga but official translated chapters are on only 24 ....i want to read it badly.....but y know official translation is always better to understand.....i don't intend to hurt those guys who always translate raws for us so we can read