
Yuu August 21, 2023 2:34 pm

ehh personally I thought it was cute but kinda lost interest in it after about mid chapter 2, found it a little boring(?) compared to the other ones I have read. It was still cute, and I'd recommend it, but personally just did not really like it. Maybe its cause I kinda found it a little weird how they rushed into this relationship, like i'm sorta used to the seme & uke getting to know each other first before jumping into a relationship, so maybe I just disliked this cause it wasn't my cup of tea.

Also, did not like how he just up and kissed him without consent/permission, i feel like something is just not there, maybe its cus it was so rushed? idrk, anyways, just my opinion, :)

overall personally id give it around a 7.5/10
