
Snotbaron August 21, 2023 6:25 am

Season 2 is almost a different genre? Season 2 is cute but also wtf why is a rapist all cute.

Also I feel like there was 0 reason to have rape in this story. Nakwon could have just beat/cut Mokhwa's hand and he would still need a redemption arc. There's no redemption from rape in my book.

Still reading bc... idk I like to torture myself? I'm good at compartmentalizing?

    justLol_56 August 22, 2023 12:05 am

    The author probably just wanted to add a sex scene to entertain fujoshi because your right it’s not needed.

    Faye August 22, 2023 12:53 am

    It's based off a novel and this is exactly how the novel went. It was pretty jarring there too