Like literally they come at here attacking people (who actually enjoys this story and wanna know how it goes)and author about how shit it is when they can simply ignore they rather bully author then minding their business,
cause of this ppl many author goes through depression and health problems which cause them for a long term hiatus ಠ_ಠ
I hope for them to get a life and try to be a nice being and knock off from here
Their anger is not even justifiable here when u aren't even paying for it , period!

So so true. IT IS FICTIONAL. I don't understand people who can't separate reality from fiction. I could go binge-read rape tropes and psychological shits and like it so much because it's fiction. Doesn't mean I tolerate it in real life. People need to grow up and realize that fiction is there to tickle and stimulate your brain. Guess they're tickled the wrong way. Lol.

I feel validated. (▰˘◡˘▰)
I used to really hate myself because I like those psycho stories (even in novels, way even before i got to read manga/manhwas/manhuas) but hate it so much in real life. Then i realized, "man, they're fiction." What I consume doesn't directly represent me. I like it because it's fiction. End of story. I hope people will realize this too. I guess it comes with age and experience.

I get where you're coming from and i dont want to combat your take right now but question. When it comes to things like illustrated cp do you think that consuming that sort of content is wrong and/or predatory? Off-track i know but it was the first thing that came to mind when i saw the word pedophile. Im stance on it is that material for pedophiles is inherently, unethical and wrong to produce. Especially when its monetized. It would be nice to hear your opinion on that specfically since people tend to treat fictional cp differently and the laws on it are very varied depending on where you live.

Yeah, I hesitated to include the word pedophile, somewhat for this reason, because it's a bit... Trickier. Or, rather, even when it's doing (mostly) no harm, it still feels inherently much worse and creepy. The thing is that I know people who've suffered SA as a child and will then create or read literature in which there is a fictional child doing sexual acts with a fictional adult, because it feels like they're taking control of a situation they themselves didn't have as a child. Lolita manga is one thing, that I personally struggle, uh, defending? But written works, they aren't all made by and for pedophiles. Are pedophiles going to consume fictional "pedophilic" content? Probably, but that doesn't necessarily make the person who likes or makes fictional content of that nature a pedophile themselves... It just really depends on the person and what they've gone through in life. I think I mostly agree with your stance on produced material being monetized being unethical and wrong, but even that depends on the artist and who they are and what they've experienced in life (though, maybe getting it monetized... Yeah, it shouldn't ever get monetized). Lolita tends to be the "made by pedophiles, for pedophiles" but other things, like fanart, tend to be made by CSA (Child Sexual Assault) victims. Sometimes it's a coping mechanism, and an unhealthy escape from reality.
[Though, another instance in which, like, I've personally been called a pedophile, is indulging in fanfic and fanart of the ship BakuDeku (My Hero Academia), in which those two are 16. That is a situation in which I definitely believe most (if not all) people who ship fictional characters that happen to be teenagers, aren't going to be preying on little kids at playgrounds. Or even actual teenagers, for that matter. They are so obviously different. The line drawn between fiction and reality in those regards is so blatantly obvious, it's laughable for those who like that content. It's just worldly different.]
When it comes down to it, though, it's about being nuanced. Simply because a person has made fictional content of that nature, or consumed and enjoyed very blatantly fictional content like that, doesn't automatically mean I'm writing them off as a pedophile. Especially if I know them as a person, or even a friend. If it's a stranger, sure, I'll be cautious.
It's just... I know people who like things as gruesome as murder and gore porn, but in a purely fictional scenario. I've seen those same people turned on by fictional snuff and murder porn, throw up and cry when they watched some of the truly horrific documentaries and horror movies that showcase the grim and horrendous realities of the world we live in. They like things when it comes to the fictional world that they would never condone or even be remotely "turned on" by in real life. Sometimes, it's people's way of coping with the horrors of the world. Almost like how dark humor is? Sometimes people just have a different way of coping.
For some ill people, it's not a coping mechanism and something went wrong in their brain at birth and they genuinely derive pleasure from the sickness in this world.
I'm not even sure if I really worded my thoughts properly, but I hope it got the message across. Though, I do wanna be clear, I 100% do not, in even the slightest bit, condone pedophilic acts or realistic CP illustrations. I'm not even into Lolita or adult x child content, I just happen to know one or two CSA victims who do, and they've never once given me a reason to believe them to be child predators. They never shown those types of behaviors whenever we're around kids, and they've given their own accounts as to why they like it (as stated above with the gaining control back over something they themselves lost).
The bottom line for me is there is a monumentally distinct difference between Fantasy and Reality when it comes to many things, and that especially includes things concerning arousal and what we're into. The exception of people who see them interchangeably and without distinction do not make the rule. My ultimate stance is that Fantasy will never equal Reality.
And unless the depictions of these fictional children is eerily realistic, then it IS still fictional, and therefore, harmless (in most cases).
You don't seem like the type of person, but believe what you want about me, I know who I am, and even if you disagree with my stance, that's okay! I'm not here to invalidate anyone's thoughts and feelings on these matters, and it's 100% better to be against CP, no matter the context, even if it's fictional, so good on you! I'm merely giving my thoughts to provide nuance and prospective, because it's healthy to think about topics like these with a critical mind. If anything, I'm simply promoting critical thought.

Sadly, I think it depends on people being genuinely empathetic and understanding for them to ever come to terms or realize that our taste in fictional content doesn't define what or who we are in life, far from it.
It takes having dark(/gruesome) desires that make you question if you're a good person, hating yourself for them, and finally coming to terms and realizing yourself just how different Fantasies are from the actual Reality of things. When we're young, that line between Fantasy and Reality can be a little blurry, and it makes you wonder if you're the worst kind of person alive for having these types of fantasies and/or thoughts. And because you're a good person, it tears you up inside with guilt and revoltion until you finally have that realization and the distinction between Fiction and Reality becomes clear.
I get you, and I'm glad I helped you feel validated!

It's so nice talking to someone with a wide perspective to/of a lot of things! Like, you're so good at explaining this. I hope I am as eloquent as you. You just called me a "good person" in one of the nicest way someone had ever called me "good person." It didn't even occur to me that I am a "good person" because i hated myself for consuming those contents. [I was just dumping you a trauma]
Thank you for being so wise despite the comments in here. Continue doing you. Thank you for this nice conversation and thank you to youuu!!

Honestly, I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of positive reception my comments have garnered so far. I thought there would be more people fighting me on this with more down votes, and fewer of the civil, polite discussions I've had. Nevertheless, I enjoyed our conversation too!
And don't worry, you were very articulate and eloquent with your words. Or, at least, definitely enough to get your message across smoothly. I'm sure I had some blunders in the way I worded a few things, being repetitive in a few places. Practice helps though. I know others who are much more put together than I am when it comes to words. Thank you too!
Not that I have anything against those who dislike, and even criticize manga and stories that romanticize unhealthy relationships and dynamics between two characters (and, just, straight up rape), but that being said, many people like this type of stuff purely for the fact that it's fictional, and they can completely remove themselves from reality when reading things like this because it's unrealistic for it to ever happen to them, or for it to happen this way just in general.
People like what they like, and that doesn't make them a bad person for it (as long as no living person is getting hurt or violated). They don't even have to justify it. That's why it's definitely not wrong for this manga to exist in the way it does. Or why other mangas with unhealthy and unrealistic portrayals to exist. You can dislike, criticize, and have discussion about this type of literature, as is your right, but don't shit on people who have the opposite opinion. They have their reasons, and they don't need to justify it. They're not rapists or pedophiles for the fictional content they like to consume.
I'm not even the biggest fan of this series for the same reason as a lot of you, but I can recognize it for the appeal it would have for some audiences. I can recognize that, for some people, making things like this can even be cathartic if they've gone through things or are still going through something. It's important to be nuanced about these types of topics.
And, to be honest, even if this has plot, a story, and is most likely going down the redemption love-story route, it is still porn. The people reading this know the difference between what's fictional and unrealistic to what's actually healthy and real.
This isn't me challenging anybody on their dislike, criticism, or their comments on this manga, as I completely understand them. They're 100% fair. I'm simply saying that it's not wrong for this manga to exist the way it is and for people to like it in it's entirety. It's blatantly obvious how unrealistic this story is.