What the hell

laboumm_ya August 19, 2023 10:47 pm

So the empress drugged and raped the poor guy and is probably about to force a child he doesn't even know he's about to have onto him? Lol. The way chinese authors can completepy tank a story in a single chapter remains unparalleled

    LUDIBRIUM [루디브리엄] August 21, 2023 4:10 pm

    i was about to say the same myself. kind of pissed about it tbh, it was just starting to get good. it was a bit farfetched but, i wanted to hope there wouldn't be any romance LOL. did not like the empress this whole time and this just further makes me hate her ass

    time to add this one to the "do not read" list now Q_Q

    obsidian August 29, 2023 5:29 pm

    Yeah, I dropped this one because of this stupid plot line.