World would be 98% better if Mingwa retire

SadNipple54 August 19, 2023 5:28 pm

World would be 98% better if Mingwa retire

    Bureau of investigaytion August 19, 2023 5:31 pm

    So real

    Sumer August 19, 2023 9:09 pm

    Just give her a better writer and let her draw bruh

    Mikaela August 20, 2023 2:32 pm

    Mingwa just needs to stop downplaying rape/Sa and it would be fine. Maybe not good stories (in my opinion) but no downplaying.She has a good art style and it's a shame it's going to waste.

    LayLights August 20, 2023 8:57 pm
    Mingwa just needs to stop downplaying rape/Sa and it would be fine. Maybe not good stories (in my opinion) but no downplaying.She has a good art style and it's a shame it's going to waste. Mikaela

    It's fictional for a reason. Just because someone makes a story that appears to "downplay" rape/SA, doesn't mean the artist themselves believes it to not be as horrible as it is. A lot of messed up stories and mangas are messed up and romanticize these things because of how unrealistic it becomes. Most times, people who like these things can distinguish between what's actually healthy to what's fictional and unhealthy. It's a way to escape reality, for some.

    Mingwa has her reasons for making her stories the way they are, and she doesn't need to justify them, because it's fictional. Find a different manga to read if you're so bent out of shape about it. Sure, your sad you can't enjoy her art, but she doesn't need to change her narrative style because people are uncomfortable with it and it's a 'waste of her artistic skills', or whatever.

    Bureau of investigaytion August 20, 2023 11:36 pm
    It's fictional for a reason. Just because someone makes a story that appears to "downplay" rape/SA, doesn't mean the artist themselves believes it to not be as horrible as it is. A lot of messed up stories and ... LayLights

    People like you who defend the Romanticism of Rape/SA are so fucking weird, who gives a flying fuck if it's fictional? With your same logic, creepy pedophiles are allowed to sexualize drawings of children because they're simply “not real.” who gives a fuck if it's fictional for a reason? It's happens to people in real life, she shouldn't have an reason to romanticize rape at all because it's overall weird. People are allowed to be grossed out by this shit bc it is generally concerning. She literally makes a stories (plural) that down play rape and you say that she doesn't believe in it? Bitch, please. It is a waste of her art skills period. BL readers like you are the reason why most ppl don't fucking like us. What a fucking weirdo you are...

    Tmsmyz August 21, 2023 12:05 am
    People like you who defend the Romanticism of Rape/SA are so fucking weird, who gives a flying fuck if it's fictional? With your same logic, creepy pedophiles are allowed to sexualize drawings of children becau... Bureau of investigaytion

    You are talking about yourself with your personal attacks on laylights. You have no support to make those claims. The support says it is healthy and common to romanticize about rape. No, it is not the same logic for pedophila. Creepy pedophiles drawing child porn is not the same logic.
    You need to educate yourself. They can be gross out but it is not very concerning. It is concerning you can’t differentiate between reality from fantasy. She does not make stories that down play rape. She is not wasting her art skills. And No, It is BL readers like you, who are toxic and personal attacking others on opinions and on stories that is why. You can’t even talk to laylights. You have to attack and degrade laylights to establish your superiority because you believe your right. Toxic behavior. You must be a teenager who believes you are right and think you know it all. Again your personal attacks are defining yourself.
    Here educate yourself. Stop mistreating others with your toxic behavior when you can’t tell the difference between fictional and reality.

    Human sexuality experts emphatically state that rape fantasy is not wrong, but healthy and normal.

    As you can see, forced sex fantasies have a rich psychology behind them and people may have these fantasies for wildly different reasons. In many cases, these fantasies don’t have a deeper meaning beyond someone just having an active imagination, a desire for sexual thrills, or a penchant for domination and submission. However, in other cases, they may have their roots in coping with trauma.

    In real-life contexts, rape – meaning sex against your will – is deeply traumatising. It’s not at all ‘sexy’. It’s an intense violation that causes high levels of distress.

    And it’s incredibly important to note that while rape fantasies are common, this does not mean that women secretly want to be raped. There is a huge difference between acted out role-play, imagined scenarios, and real-life experiences. No one asks to be raped, no one deserves to be raped, and how common forced sex fantasies are in no way justifies unwanted sexual contact of any nature.

    After research on the subject, psychologists and sexologists agree today that those fantasies are very common, completely healthy, and reveal a core element in female eroticism.
    First of all, there is an important distinction between such fantasies and an actual rape experience. In no way does having the fantasy imply a desire to be raped in real life. Psychologist Michael Castleman, in his article Why Do Women Have Rape Fantasies? on Psychology Today, dismisses as obsolete the view that fantasies always reflect wishes. Therefore, women who have rape fantasies do not actually want to be coerced into sex.

    It’s a fantasy. Not reality. You would do best to stop confusion the two. Pedophila isn’t the same.

    Bureau of investigaytion August 21, 2023 12:12 am
    You are talking about yourself with your personal attacks on laylights. You have no support to make those claims. The support says it is healthy and common to romanticize about rape. No, it is not the same logi... Tmsmyz

    Sure buddy, rape stories are definitely ok bc Psychologists said so and it is totally ok for people to write rape! Ok so cool, what other nasty ass shit r u gonna try and excuse next?

    Tmsmyz August 21, 2023 12:13 am

    If she stopped . She would have no effect on the world.

    World would be 10000% better if haters/trolls/cyber bullies/ bullies/ toxic people would retire and become better people. We would have no murders, no rapes, no violence, no harming others, no toxic behavior, and people would be able to talk to each other with out attacks or being degraded. They can finally have civil conversations and resolve issues. They will be mature and respectful. People would be genuine and caring.

    Hate solves nothing. Your topic did nothing but show your toxic behavior.

    Tmsmyz August 21, 2023 12:21 am
    Sure buddy, rape stories are definitely ok bc Psychologists said so and it is totally ok for people to write rape! Ok so cool, what other nasty ass shit r u gonna try and excuse next? Bureau of investigaytion

    What a toxic waste of a reply to me. You are being ridiculously toxic and taking this way to seriously. The truth stirred you up? You seem a bit mad with how you responded there. I am telling you the truth. I am not excusing anything. If you can’t have a civil conversation and you being disrespectful and toxic, well thanks for sharing your lost with me and how insecure and immature you are. You can’t talk to someone without attacking them. That is sad.

    LayLights August 21, 2023 12:27 am
    People like you who defend the Romanticism of Rape/SA are so fucking weird, who gives a flying fuck if it's fictional? With your same logic, creepy pedophiles are allowed to sexualize drawings of children becau... Bureau of investigaytion

    Sure, go off, of course people are allowed to be grossed out by this. I'm allowed to provide some sort of nuance. Hell, you're allowed to state your opinion about me being a weirdo. It's your absolute right. Just like it's Mingwa's right to create whatever fictional story she wants to, as long as it doesn't involve depictions of real people (and it's merely an opinion whether her talent is being wasted on this or not). I suppose, in doing that, she accepts and is used to people making assumptions about her based on these stories. Which is fair, and expected. I'm sure that by this point she could care less, so I'm not gonna try and justify myself to you when you can't see the blatant difference between reality and fiction. And I could care less about people not liking me- there are bad apples in every single community known to man which give said communities a bad rep. Christians, Republicans, Liberals, Muslims, to something as mundane as shipping two characters- you name it, there will always be the "weirdos" or the "toxic" ones which give them a bad name.

    The important thing people should remember, is everything has nuance and it's important to think about everything with a critical and open mind. Being narrow minded and stubborn about topics like these isn't the healthiest mindset to have. Though, that doesn't really matter in concerns to you, I doubt there will be any budging on your part. Assume all you want about me and the artist. As someone who's suffered SA (believe me or don't, idc), there's no explaining to you why other people I know, who've also experienced it, find some sense of comfort and relief in indulging in the fictional romanticization of stories like this. Because it's fake. They can exit out anytime they want. For many people, we can draw that line between fiction and reality. We can see the horrors of true Rape/SA without being "turned on" by it, because it's NOTHING like what we read about in the fictional world. It's VASELY different. If you can't see that, that's your's and everyone else's problem.

    Honestly, I don't even care for this series personally, but the mangaka made her decision to make this series the way it is, and no matter how much people bitch and whine about the existence of manga that is like this one, there will always still be manga like this and people who'll enjoy it for one reason or another, and not all of them are rapists or looking to get raped. Nor are they automatically a bad person. You can assume they are, sure, but that's not the reality of the situation at all. Believe what you want, I could care less, really.

    Bureau of investigaytion August 21, 2023 12:28 am

    To the person that blocked me:
    You're definitely right! It's not like those people that fantasize rape don't go into mental health institutions for those exact same fantasies, I am toxic bc I think writing stories romanticizing rape is wrong? The same topic people advocate to stop spreading through social media because it is an immoral thing. The same topic that most people suffer severe mental health issues from? The same thing that puts others at risk?

    “Psychologists say it's right so it must be ok” are you physically and mentally well? You're turning this into a logical argument like.. Just because someone is a coping mechanism doesn't mean it's ok, if having superiority means, people should write stories with rape in unless they are spreading awareness about it, than u must have a superiority complex. You do realize that the average person doesn't have fantasies about rape right and those that do fantasize about it have mental problems right? I am mistreating others because I said that writing stories where the rapist and the victim end up together isn't ok? You do realize people suffer through unhealthy things like this every day right? “She doesn't make stories that downplay rape” but she does? She takes situations and downplays it as a you need me so I'm gonna force myself on you kinda thing. My personal attacks are defining myself. Then what about yours? Bc what you're telling me is that it's ok for people to downplay rape , which is a real thing by the way, bc physcolgist say it's “healthy” because it's a “coping mechanism” because it “doesn't define a person” which it totally does but please do ahead and tell me how I am a teenager because I think stories shouldn't have rpe in them period, because rpe in itself is wrong and people suffer mental and physically consequences from it every day. Yes, my personal attacks “define me” bc I am telling u that stories shouldn't include rape, bc the author is weird for writing about it at all. Go ahead, please educate me on the 100 reasons why writing about rape is ok.

    LayLights August 21, 2023 12:40 am
    You are talking about yourself with your personal attacks on laylights. You have no support to make those claims. The support says it is healthy and common to romanticize about rape. No, it is not the same logi... Tmsmyz

    You got to them way before me a practically said what I said but better XD

    Thanks for sticking up for me, but I don't think they'll ever understand, and that's fine. It's their problem anyways.

    Tmsmyz August 21, 2023 12:42 am
    To the person that blocked me: You're definitely right! It's not like those people that fantasize rape don't go into mental health institutions for those exact same fantasies, I am toxic bc I think writing stor... Bureau of investigaytion

    More digging I see. Do go on with the lying and gaslighting.
    Average people do have fantasies about rape. Your ignorance, hate, gaslighting, and attacks have no effect on me. They effect you. This is a fictional story not reality. Learn to differentiate between the two. You are embarrassing yourself here. I have not attacked you.
    She doesn’t down play rape. Also, jinx does not have rape in it. Rape is your pov.

    You need to read those links and start differentiate between fantasy and reality. It is not weird at all. You are overdramatize this. Would you stop imposing arguments on me. Thanks for justifying the reason why I blocked you. No civil or mature conversation. It is just toxicity. If you hate this story, you can leave and not return. You don’t have to be here. You are don’t nothing by being toxic here. You will not stop authors from romanticizing rape. It is has been around for years and will be here long after we are gone.

    Mikaela August 21, 2023 12:38 pm
    It's fictional for a reason. Just because someone makes a story that appears to "downplay" rape/SA, doesn't mean the artist themselves believes it to not be as horrible as it is. A lot of messed up stories and ... LayLights

    I agree with your first point, maybe it's to please her audience. But it is still problematic that it's romanticised. It adds to the rape culture. We are allowed to call someone out, (Not with attacks or threats but criticism) if they write stories like this, even if they don't believe it's okay to do this and know it is horrible. I am here because I just wanna know how she'll write this story and people are allowed to criticise it and so am I.

    LayLights August 21, 2023 2:33 pm

    Oh, no, for sure you're allowed to criticize. It's your right to criticize. But I'm not sure rape being romanticized in very obviously fictional stories, as long as it's people of age reading these things (which should always be the case), adds to rape culture. More often then not, people who actually have rape fantasies or like stories that romanticize it the way this manga does, have gone through the same thing themselves. The audience who tends to like these things knows the true horrors of Rape/SA. There's actually research behind these types of things, because good people having rape fantasies is not an uncommon thing. It's actually more common than people would like to acknowledge, and this is a harmless way for them to indulge in said fantasies. But anyways, that's why it's important that there is at least a few stories with this sort of nature, because sometimes it can help a SA victim cope with what's happened to them, having complete control over how much they read/write/create the fictional content of unhealthy and horrible scenarios, when they're both romanticized or extremely realistic.

    See, the only way in which this might add to rape culture, is if a child got their hands on this. Or someone who's uneducated. And the people who tend to claim this stuff adds to rape culture, tend to be people who are not, well, apart of the audience who likes this stuff. Time and time again, those who do like this have repeatedly explained they can tell apart fantasy from reality. It's an escapism from reality for these people. Now is that completely healthy? Not necessarily, but when have coping mechanisms ever been the definition of 'healthy'?

    This Reddit post and some of the comments explains it a bit better, if you're willing to give it a quick read.

    I only say these things because it's important to be nuanced. Plus, a really close friend of mine who's an SA victim has found solace and healing in making stories like this, along with a few other SA victims I know that find it cathartic to read something so blatantly and obviously fictional and unrealistic. I, too, am an SA victim, and I used to have your same views and beliefs, until I met these people and came to understand that the people who consume this type of content know the difference between Fantasy and Reality and absolutely know the traumatic extent of rape/SA (having gone through it themselves). I do think it's important for media to comment and make it obvious to uneducated and minor people when a piece of literature is unrealistic or unhealthy. That it should be made clear in some way if it's a big name title that would reach an unintended audience.

    Who knows, I might be wrong, but I know for a fact it's more nuanced then just simply 'romanticizing rape adds to rape culture, so there should be none of it and we should criticize it's existence in any work of literature'. I'm simply suggesting that more critical thought on things like this should be normalized. Now, that's not to say you're even entirely wrong, and honestly, it's good to be against rape in any case, so good on you! I'm just trying to provide more prospective and nuance to the topic. You can completely disagree with me though, I welcome it even. This can be a heavy topic, and I understand not being quite so open-minded to it. You're free to think and believe whoever and whatever you want.

    LayLights August 21, 2023 2:52 pm
    I agree with your first point, maybe it's to please her audience. But it is still problematic that it's romanticised. It adds to the rape culture. We are allowed to call someone out, (Not with attacks or threat... Mikaela

    I meant to "reply" to you with my other response, but I must have accidentally deleted, pressed the x-button, before sending it. The one above this is my reply to you. Adding onto it, this is another part of that Reddit post which says what I'm trying to say, but better.

    Manhwaspicy August 21, 2023 3:00 pm
    Sure buddy, rape stories are definitely ok bc Psychologists said so and it is totally ok for people to write rape! Ok so cool, what other nasty ass shit r u gonna try and excuse next? Bureau of investigaytion

    Are you also saying that if I like Horror films of when people end up dying, the creators are romanticizing the deaths of them? Do you mean it's not okay for creators to write horror films that people like? I really don't get you fr.

    Manhwaspicy August 21, 2023 3:08 pm

    World would be 98% boring if creators like Mingwa retire. Face the truth.

    Bureau of investigaytion August 21, 2023 9:02 pm
    Are you also saying that if I like Horror films of when people end up dying, the creators are romanticizing the deaths of them? Do you mean it's not okay for creators to write horror films that people like? I r... Manhwaspicy

    First of all, that comparison isn't the same bc are you the one who wrote the story or are you the one that is reading the story? You are literally comparing apples to oranges, in horror movies do the victims end up with their killer? No, because if they did that would be called Stockholm Syndrome, which is caused by mental and sometimes emotional abuse. If you like watching horror movies then good for you, if you romanticize the creepy stuff they do in horror movies then you're a weirdo. Do the victims in horror movies end up with the killer? And if they do is that not a symptom of a mental illness? Is Mingwa not the one writing the stories and are you not the one enjoying them? You're literally comparing yourself as the audience to the creators of horror movies and the story of horror movies thus proving that your comparison is flawed. You and Laylight and everyone else can go and enjoy the story all you want, it doesn't change the fact that it is weird and people don't like it. It is your taste if you enjoy weird shit like that, I will judge but keep reading I really don't care. People are allowed to be uncomfortable and creeped out by this kind of story bc it is not a social norm. I don't really care how you feel about this situation, I and others don't like the fact that Mingwa romanticizes rape period. If you and the others think she isn't then good for you! I really don't get people like you at all but its whatever, that is where we differ and that is the difference in our perspectives. Please have a good day. This conversation is over. Thank you! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Mikaela August 21, 2023 9:29 pm
    Oh, no, for sure you're allowed to criticize. It's your right to criticize. But I'm not sure rape being romanticized in very obviously fictional stories, as long as it's people of age reading these things (whic... LayLights

    I really liked your perspective of this! I didn't know it's that common with people, I always thought it was just a fetish. I completely agree, coping mechanisms never been healthy, no matter what terrible situation you went trough. I am not a victim of SA but physical abuse, and I tend to read more toxic stories but until now I never have seen it as coping. Now when I think about it, this story is probably not intended to promote these relationship, this was my fault to jump to conclusions. We shouldn't blame authors if some of the audience take it too seriously or think this is okay and not unhealthy, parents should teach their kids early on and it is not the job of the author. At the end of the day this is fiction and you should know what's right or wrong and still be allowed to like it! I took it 101% seriously, my bad lol. I've seen the link and it really helped me to understand it so much better, since reading dark romance made me feel really guilty and made me think I have problems. This story is still not my cup of tea but I won't complain about it any more. Thank you for educating me!