Do they switch in the side story???

Nuwi August 19, 2023 3:36 pm

Do they switch in the side story???

    Madge August 20, 2023 8:16 pm

    No. Jaehan only gets on top to pleasure Heegyeom with his mouth and then rides him (sort of, Heegyeom still does all the work lol).

    Nuwi August 22, 2023 5:22 pm
    No. Jaehan only gets on top to pleasure Heegyeom with his mouth and then rides him (sort of, Heegyeom still does all the work lol). Madge

    Ugh. I wish BL couples will just switch sometimes... Sex scenes get so boring because there's no push-pull and it's just the seme doing all the work , it makes the characters's dynamics and chemistry more real... But noooo let's give them sudden non consensual sex instead. It's almost like BL authors NEED non-con/sexual assault to make the plot perfect.

    AsAs August 24, 2023 6:33 pm
    Ugh. I wish BL couples will just switch sometimes... Sex scenes get so boring because there's no push-pull and it's just the seme doing all the work , it makes the characters's dynamics and chemistry more real... Nuwi

    Exactly it gets boring really fast

    Madge August 26, 2023 5:09 am
    Ugh. I wish BL couples will just switch sometimes... Sex scenes get so boring because there's no push-pull and it's just the seme doing all the work , it makes the characters's dynamics and chemistry more real... Nuwi

    Their entire relationship has been toxic... like at no point have they not been the worst to each other... I really wouldn't call the noncon sudden, and I kind of think if you're surprised you haven't been paying attention...

    Lilia August 26, 2023 2:55 pm
    Ugh. I wish BL couples will just switch sometimes... Sex scenes get so boring because there's no push-pull and it's just the seme doing all the work , it makes the characters's dynamics and chemistry more real... Nuwi

    I don't even think you need switch to make the scenes more interesting, just have more communication, foreplay and then aftercare. That makes the scenes more interesting than just making them switch.

    Nuwi August 29, 2023 1:24 pm
    I don't even think you need switch to make the scenes more interesting, just have more communication, foreplay and then aftercare. That makes the scenes more interesting than just making them switch. Lilia

    Yes, but they have to have a healthy relationship in the first place for that. Definitely not whatever these two have going on

    Besides I only meant switching just makes sex scenes hotter

    Nuwi August 29, 2023 1:30 pm
    Their entire relationship has been toxic... like at no point have they not been the worst to each other... I really wouldn't call the noncon sudden, and I kind of think if you're surprised you haven't been payi... Madge

    Hmm I do know that these two are angling for top ten toxic BL couples, but let's not pretend the non-con did anything for the story. It had a dumb lead up and practically happened for no reason but the author wanting to write seme forcing uke into painful sex troupe. I think That's probably why it's in the side story

    lazivir September 8, 2023 3:39 pm
    Ugh. I wish BL couples will just switch sometimes... Sex scenes get so boring because there's no push-pull and it's just the seme doing all the work , it makes the characters's dynamics and chemistry more real... Nuwi

    stop reading yaoi then, lol. go read some fluffy shounen ai instead