The rating is a fckng scam

Aise August 19, 2023 10:47 am

Long rant

I swear Ruth is the only one making this torable and has brain. I thought she finaly gonna confessed when she got drunk but shit just end up with sex. They fuck more than they talk. I drop this while back then and forgot about it. When i saw the high rating i had faith in it that it would be good later but ffs it doesn't deserve it. The princess appearing is making this shit worst when their first problem didn't even take a single step yet to resolve.

Why did he never question on why she said that she never got any news about him wanting to bring her back to his fief. I hated how they brush it off and never questioned anything about her. The mage is the only one who tried listening and making conversation with her. I get that this is slow burn but theres no progress at all. She had the courage to somewhat try everything else except trying to talk with ML its stupid.

Everytime i thought it finaly gonna progress when they show a short flash back, the next scene it gonna be back to normal. When the mage told her how constant exposure to magic will cause the person to have good afinity with magic i thought gonna she will bring up about how she receives constant healing magic and making the mage question but nope nothing the scene just end with no progress again.
