
Lexi August 18, 2023 4:36 am

Did y'all know there's a DRAMA? I looked it up b/c someone said that its being orinted and i wanna buy some physical coppies and lo and behold, it has a drama from 2022??

    Lexi August 18, 2023 5:22 am







    So, after watching 2 eps, i've decided some things just shouldnt be translated to the screen direct from text. For one, the dialogue—its not bad reading it, but hearing it spoken aloud??? The embarrassment I felt just couldnt be understated. Idk if they cant act, or if they're stuggling to work with bad dialogue, but either way its so, so bad.

    For two, this would have been so much better if it was a thai drama b/c what the hell were those sex scenes? If they're gonna adapt a smut manga and decide to keep "spicy" scenes, they need to commit. They barely committed to the kisses, and didnt bother for the "sex". They were so still, they didnt move an inch. One scene she was like "you're being so intense " and buddy didnt move an inch. Thai dramas commit without showing a thing, and it actually is "intense". So, im sure there will be a thai remake in a few years and i look forward to that.

    And THREE, its kinda a whole different story? Maybe the manga has to introduce us to more characters, or maybe they wrote their own story based off the ideas of the manga but after eo 2 its clear the story deviates from the manga a bit (which they should have done when writing the dialogue, but i digress).

    Lexi August 18, 2023 5:26 am

    Also, poor yuri's personality. They deleted it all and replaced it with bullshit.

    Zera Takumi September 9, 2023 11:16 am

    It does. I had the same reaction as well when I first discovered it. However, after completing all episodes, I can very much say that its like some wattpad story. Full of cringe moments and very much just bad dialogue, fast paced rearranged plot, and just...wattpad vibes ( ̄∇ ̄"). BUT Oya's actor is handsome (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ