[well for starters, up to this point, the band is going to perform the song that uenoyama (dark hair boy - assumed seme) produced. The very last chapter there that was updated was them performing--and it was so mesmerizing that everyone was surprised because they are a street band. ]
& The story goes as Uenoyama-kun going to his 'spot' at school to nap but he saw Mafuyu-kun (assumed uke) there already. He was holding an electric guitar and he was lazing around and made room for Uenoyama-kun. After fixing the guitar and strumming it, Mafuyu-kun realize that Uenoyama-kun is actually really good so he asked him to teach him. That's how they connected--the more time he spent with Mafuyu-kun, he started to realize that he likes being around the guy. Uenoyama-kun later found out that Mafuyu-kun is an amazing singer and asks him to join the band but was rejected (which he did join the band afterward). He was just interested in learning electric guitar. Uenoyama decided that he will write a song for Mafuyu to sing for them because his voice is amazing.
Later, they bumped into one of Mafuyu's old childhood friend who made a statement about the guitar--that's when Uenoyama realize that the guitar Mafuyu was trying to learn to play actually have significant value to him. Mafuyu ran away from the friend--& you soon find out rumors from the girl that likes Uenoyama-kun that Mafuyu is actually gay and his boyfriend died. The guitar was his boyfriend's guitar. Uenoyama became jealous of the deceased boyfriend--he didnt want Mafuyu to sing about the feelings of the man he was once with. Even though he knew he started to like Mafuyu-kun, he never at any point confessed in the chapters we have here.
There's just too much to explain--the story is really detailed =( I'm writing too much so I'm stopping here lol
Can someone please give me a recap of some sort/ explanation of the chapters up until now? I'm having such a hard time going back and forth with every update & the story is confusing in itself D: thank you!