Horus :(

yourpersonalwhore August 17, 2023 1:34 am

Nah I feel bad for Horus he’s always doing everything for Seth’s attention and he gets nothing in return. I just wanna see his face already(⌒▽⌒)

    Salabat August 17, 2023 1:44 am

    Should be soon. In 2 to 3 chapters, I think.

    yourpersonalwhore August 17, 2023 2:44 am
    Should be soon. In 2 to 3 chapters, I think.(≧∀≦) Salabat


    EtherealBeauty August 17, 2023 5:45 am

    Did y'all forget he also raped Set? If we're being honest,this is Set being nice.

    RyoHwa August 17, 2023 6:19 am
    Did y'all forget he also raped Set? If we're being honest,this is Set being nice. EtherealBeauty

    Lmao. He was not under control of his rape, although it was converted from his lustful desires, he still didn’t willfully rape Set. In fact, set also tried to rape Horus before Horus did that. Nobody is only innocent here, same for Set who’s murdered thousands of innocent yet I don’t see you complaining about that. Let’s not go there in the first place.

    EtherealBeauty August 17, 2023 8:08 am
    Lmao. He was not under control of his rape, although it was converted from his lustful desires, he still didn’t willfully rape Set. In fact, set also tried to rape Horus before Horus did that. Nobody is only ... RyoHwa

    Do not try that with me. I'm not complaining about Set cause it's obvious,no duh Set is a criminal who has killed thousands and tried to rape Horus,so he really has no business acting like this towards him since it's hypocritical. BUT, regardless if he was in control of himself or not,he still raped Set. Idk if it was ever shown that Set knew this,but considering all the other characters who have done something like that to him,this really is Set being nice.

    TLDR: Of course no one is innocent here and Set is getting what he deserved and just because Horus wasn't in complete control of his actions, doesn't exonerate of the crime

    EtherealBeauty August 17, 2023 8:09 am
    Lmao. He was not under control of his rape, although it was converted from his lustful desires, he still didn’t willfully rape Set. In fact, set also tried to rape Horus before Horus did that. Nobody is only ... RyoHwa

    And I'm not complaining about Set's hypocrisy cause no one brought it up

    RyoHwa August 17, 2023 9:38 am
    Do not try that with me. I'm not complaining about Set cause it's obvious,no duh Set is a criminal who has killed thousands and tried to rape Horus,so he really has no business acting like this towards him sinc... EtherealBeauty

    No, people have brought it up before and people still continue to make Set look like he’s innocent and cinnamon roll shit, you just weren’t there so I don’t blame you for that. And set murdered many, I don’t justify that, but the explanation as to why he did was out of uncontrollable rage especially cause of Osiris.

    I never justified the rape, you can point out where I stated that Horus raping Set is justified. But it is an explanation just like how there’s an explanation to what Set did because he was a victim first, what he did was not something he wanted to do. Horus is a victim and was forced to do that to Set, so I don’t hate him as much as I hate Zeus dude who did it willingly and continued to do so, proceeded to blackmail Set and have his way. I also very much hate Osiris, the root of all this shit or perhaps way back that hasn’t shown in the story yet.

    There’s a huge difference between those who didn’t do it willingly vs. CHOSE to do it while knowing it’s wrong.
    And I’m not saying Horus is the best, cause he isn’t and has his own flaws, but clearly he’s much safer or at least better than those who chose to rape Set.

    And yes, Horus still raped. And I’m not sure if Set knew Horus was possessed and didn’t willingly rape, but so far Set is going to be more comfortable around Horus than any of the other two who constantly humiliated him and “hunted” him (Osiris and Zeus). SPOILER down**

    **Set seems to becoming more comfortable after Horus revealed his face, remembering him from the past finally. Lets see where this goes.**

    Zeus had an interesting character itself but unfortunately he was made to be a rapist and just bad in general. I actually liked his design too, he is hot with the beard especially, but I can’t like his character itself.

    RyoHwa August 17, 2023 9:39 am
    And I'm not complaining about Set's hypocrisy cause no one brought it up EtherealBeauty

    It’s nearly impossible to reason with Set worshippers so few bring it up. It’s complicated.

    RyoHwa August 17, 2023 9:42 am
    Did y'all forget he also raped Set? If we're being honest,this is Set being nice. EtherealBeauty

    And Horus is slowly going to gain Set’s trust so of course I don’t agree with the OP here who said they feel bad about Horus not getting anything in return, etc. And I do pity Horus for being a desperate loser, it’s about time he and Set become closer in this season (as the author Mojito stated before during season 1 era). I heard S2 is when their relationship blossoms, not exactly romantic yet.

    Horus deserves to be waitlisted by Set. Set doesn’t owe Horus anything, maybe an apology for trying to rape him, but then Horus should also apologize, and Set should to his victims. It’s complicated story with grey areas. Too much to talk about lol.

    Iminsane August 17, 2023 4:20 pm
    Did y'all forget he also raped Set? If we're being honest,this is Set being nice. EtherealBeauty

    I thought he only raped him in that nsfw and not cannon side story

    RyoHwa August 17, 2023 4:23 pm
    I thought he only raped him in that nsfw and not cannon side story Iminsane

    Side story? It was in the main story. Horus did rape Set in main story around chapter 30 something. There is another rape by Horus but it’s not canon and apparently author made it for fanservice…:/

    yourpersonalwhore August 17, 2023 5:25 pm
    Do not try that with me. I'm not complaining about Set cause it's obvious,no duh Set is a criminal who has killed thousands and tried to rape Horus,so he really has no business acting like this towards him sinc... EtherealBeauty

    I’m aware and I can’t fully blame Horus or hate him for it, yes it was from desire but he wouldn’t have done it in his own state of mind. So my opinion hasn’t changed really

    EtherealBeauty August 17, 2023 10:11 pm
    No, people have brought it up before and people still continue to make Set look like he’s innocent and cinnamon roll shit, you just weren’t there so I don’t blame you for that. And set murdered many, I do... RyoHwa

    Sorry, usually when people bring up why someone did something terrible they mean to justify it,thank you for clearing that up,and while was thinking about it last,Set already seems to be more comfortable around Horus compared to anyone else since he doesn't seem to have a problem expressing his opinion in front of him as opposed to Osiris and the Zeus guy. He's still being rude,but that does show some level of trust and comfort

    youraedthiswrogn August 18, 2023 4:20 am
    No, people have brought it up before and people still continue to make Set look like he’s innocent and cinnamon roll shit, you just weren’t there so I don’t blame you for that. And set murdered many, I do... RyoHwa

    Did I miss something? Where was the foreign god made out to be a rapist/to have raped Set? The one time they have sex he has Set's consent because he talks him into it. Set is under heavy aphrodisiacs and is suffering so he talks Set into letting him "help out" and Set agrees. There's a little "I shouldn't have agreed because he means to have sex with me all night" comment, but even that doesn't feel like it's, like, *too* serious. They get along fine right after too

    The foreign god is the only instance in the manga where it's at least dubious consent vs straight rape

    RyoHwa August 18, 2023 4:41 am

    I believe Set was fine after waking up from those heavy aphrodisiac, but when he kept rejecting the foreign god, the foreign god’s eye color changed to yellow and he caressed Set’s head and body and suddenly right after, Set began feeling unwell and his head throbbing. Clearly foreign god did something and manipulated him.

    ••Set did not agree at all after he woke up and the foreign god proceeded to lick his ass even though Set repeatedly told him to stop.
    ••Set repeatedly told him to get off and he was humiliated more, we all know Set is prideful, yet foreign god continued until Set had NO CHOICE but to give in as he lost strength after the foreign gods eye changed color, clearly he did something to Set cause when Set woke up, he felt fine. That is coercion.

    ••This situation also triggered Set’s trauma from being raped in the past, and he slashed the foreign god out of anger. The foreign god also proceeded to manipulate and humiliate him, even while being RAPED, Set still said to stop and it hurts. I don’t know how you missed all that but you’re clearly blinded by the foreign god to think that isn’t rape.

    ••THE FOREIGN GOD IS A RAPIST. They get along right after? It is obvious Set doesn’t like him as a person after being forced to do things. The foreign god is a rapist, it’s not dubious consent, or both in a way but still rape above all.

    ••DUBIOUS consent is if Set had said no but in mind a yes, but we read his thoughts and it’s all NOs. The foreign god knows he didn’t want it and still continued.

    RyoHwa August 18, 2023 4:49 am
    Did I miss something? Where was the foreign god made out to be a rapist/to have raped Set? The one time they have sex he has Set's consent because he talks him into it. Set is under heavy aphrodisiacs and is su... youraedthiswrogn

    2) Okay I re read it cause I couldn’t trust my memories fully and yeah I was right, I couldn’t trust my memories fully for sure. So I was wrong about something, but it’s still rape just so you know.

    And Set didn’t say he shouldn’t have AGREED, he said he shouldn’t have fell for it/listened. Agreeing and listening are two different meanings.

    And I don’t think that the foreign god casted any weird trick spell on Set to make him feel weird. I thought he did because his eye color changed and that’s what I remembered.

    In the end, this is still rape regardless. Just like how Horus is still a rapist even though he didn’t mean any of it because he couldn’t control his body due to Sekhmet and the mirror. Although foreign god had somewhat of a good intention to heal Set, the butt slapping and other humiliation was totally unnecessary. Although foreign god had good intention, it’s still rape because Set never agreed until coerced to by the foreign god.

    RyoHwa August 18, 2023 4:51 am
    Did I miss something? Where was the foreign god made out to be a rapist/to have raped Set? The one time they have sex he has Set's consent because he talks him into it. Set is under heavy aphrodisiacs and is su... youraedthiswrogn

    It wasn’t dubious consent still because Set has only been saying no to the foreign god. Or maybe both, but it’s rape in the end regardless.

    It’s straight up rape. Just like Horus being a rapist although it wasn’t exactly “him”.

    youraedthiswrogn August 18, 2023 5:04 am
    I believe Set was fine after waking up from those heavy aphrodisiac, but when he kept rejecting the foreign god, the foreign god’s eye color changed to yellow and he caressed Set’s head and body and suddenl... RyoHwa

    I'll have to check back about the glowing eyes thing, I didn't read it like he did anything to make Set feel worse.

    Yeah, Set wasn't *immediately* on board with having sex with the guy, that would break character and he has no reason to just suddenly want to have sex with the guy. So yeah, when he initially woke up in his predicament he didn't immediately jump on his dick with no context, but I'm not sure how that's a factor or argument here? He has no reason to want him at that point, he lets him do it to handle the effects, when he has a reason. It's not like they have sex to have sex

    *Gay sex* triggers Set's trauma, it's not like it was specifically the foreign god. The fact here is that he gave him the okay AND he was triggered, they both happened. Him being triggered isn't proof that he didn't consent, both happened. He consented to handle the situation and was triggered. He's triggered pretty much any time he's raped and that makes sense in those situations, but in this one he agreed for a benefit. This indicates that the act of gay sex triggers his trauma

    Set has problems with the foreign god, but if you've read up to that point then you know that he's also showing him favor in his own little "Set" way. Set's a rough guy, but his treatment of the foreign god does place him in the "my side" camp. Similar to how he "hates" Horus but he's also clearly part of Set's group of people. And Horus *actually* raped him

    And yes it totally is dubious consent... What you described is a very specific scenario of dubious consent. This is as well. It's dubious because he wouldn't have said yes if not in that scenario, but he did give consent explicitly and he dealt with whatever negatives (such as the pain and humiliation) that came with that choice, to get better. I also think you're playing up how bad the scene was. There was clearly some light hearted joking going on when the foreign god said he bought Set, he knows Set is a god and that the slavers don't know that. Obviously he wasn't serious, it was him trying to be sexy. Roleplay. He didn't think he literally had a legal claim to the god of war. He's seducing Set there. The gods are just kinky. He doesn't force Set, he seduces him and then rather than just holding him down and fucking him while he's drugged like Osiris did he continues to talk to him to get his consent, making a case about him needing help with the drugs. Set says okay

    RyoHwa August 18, 2023 5:16 am
    I'll have to check back about the glowing eyes thing, I didn't read it like he did anything to make Set feel worse. Yeah, Set wasn't *immediately* on board with having sex with the guy, that would break charact... youraedthiswrogn

    The foreign god clearly forced Set, and Set continuing to say no. What I described is dubious yes but it’s still force and not a clear consent regardless, it’s rape in the end.

    Yes Horus *actually* raped him, just like the foreign god except the foreign god was in his right mind and had good intentions which doesn’t make it right considering Set didn’t want none of that.

    The foreign god did trigger it though. If he hadn’t done none of this, Set wouldn’t be in this situation. The foreign god came off too aggressive and should’ve been clear and asked for consent rather than just coming onto him, then I would’ve been like okay this is fine.

    And I didn’t say him being triggered is proof that he didn’t consent. It’s just clear that he was forced and didn’t consent in the first place, then coerced into believing, and eventually raped.

    You keep saying he consented but what did Set say that showed he consented? I read the chapter and he kept saying no all the way to the rape scene. And I reread and yes I agree it’s dubious consent but Set was in his clear mind and refused the foreign god, he LET him know that he does not want it. But then the drugged effects came back and he couldn’t do much, ain’t no way there’s other methods to help Set other than fucking raping him despite Set denying. Even after the first two rounds, Set being tired, the foreign god continued for his own pleasure and it didn’t continue to be for the good intentions I talked about.

    Foreign god just wanted to get in his pants and took advantage of Set who was drugged.

    youraedthiswrogn August 18, 2023 5:28 am

    @RyoHwa because you banned me after like two tame interactions...?

    Don't reply and block, it's not cool. I can't respond outside doing this:

    Reading back, I just disagree that he did anything to Set. At the very least it's not "clear" he did. The foreign god's eyes light up any time he gets mad, it happens a few times. In that part of the scene Set had just ripped a chunk of his ear off and his eyes flashed for a second before he went back to seducing Set. What's said in the scene is that the medicine helped, but didn't cure Set.

    "You keep saying he consented but what did Set say that showed he consented? I read the chapter and he kept saying no all the way to the rape scene."

    The foreign god says "you still have drugs in your system, just lay back and enjoy it and I'll take care of it". Set questions it for a second and then stops struggling against the sex itself, from here he just struggles against how rough the foreign god is fucking him, he then says "lay back and enjoy it my ass, I can't believe I believed him!". The foreign god then fucks him all night. They then wake up and talk casually, the foreign god asks him to be his. During the sex scene Set says "just wait till the drugs are out", which means he was explicitly allowing it to happen and plans to get some payback for how rough the dude was being. A topic of their conversation during is that the foreign god thinks he's being gentle while Set disagrees

    All throughout this scene there is comedy and their interactions with each other are pretty casual. The only time it actually gets intense is when Set gets triggered for a second.