hm actually i dont think its gonna end with the two guys dating each other, i just read all the available chapters and it does feel like theyre both going to get girlfriends. ofc i could be wrong but rn it just feels like a regular shoujo with a tiny tiny hint of one of them being slightly possessive over the other, and not in a romantic way. ill hang around it a bit more but sorry to say that i probably wont be translating this!

Actually there is like a translated Russian? version of this story till chapter 12, but currently there are no English translated ones

Welcome @chouchou !! :D
um so i saw this http://webtoon.daum.net/webtoon/view/aquaman
the art is REALLY good and it's a free webtoon... and i'm pretty sure it's shounen ai... does anyone know if there's a translated version somewhere? i really want to know whats happening >.<