Uhm, unpopular opinion

monotonousfox August 16, 2023 4:03 am

But we dont need every story to have a “life with kids” arc…. Aka this needs to end

    kaeya's hoe August 16, 2023 6:43 am

    shut up

    Yumi! August 16, 2023 7:17 am

    ...why are u here? Like it's not like someone is going to force u to keep reading??

    misshoneyvee August 16, 2023 8:09 am
    shut up kaeya's hoe

    this has nothing to do with the comment, but i loved your pfp so much!! bongbi 4eva <3333

    kaeya's hoe August 16, 2023 8:45 am
    this has nothing to do with the comment, but i loved your pfp so much!! bongbi 4eva <3333 misshoneyvee

    omg ur the first one to notice!! i love him sm too

    Penis August 16, 2023 4:58 pm

    If you don't want a story to have a "life with kids" arc then stop reading or literally js read something else that doesn't have the "life with kids" arc you're talking about. You should've kept your unpopular opinion to yourself

    monotonousfox August 16, 2023 8:46 pm

    Yall really got mad lmaooo. Telling me to stop reading. If you dont like it, dont read it!

    Me, enjoying the beginning and not enjoying this epilogue thing but still reading to see if it gets better for me again: *voices opinion*

    Yall: you need to shut the fuck up and get out of my safe space

    Me: No you weirdo. I have my own reasons to read and dont need your permission to do so just cos youre some kind of super fan. Criticizing criticism by saying to just leave. Childish behavior tbh (completely ignores own childish behavior by criticizing yall lmaooo. I really do love the internet, ig)

    Penis August 17, 2023 1:48 am
    Yall really got mad lmaooo. Telling me to stop reading. If you dont like it, dont read it!Me, enjoying the beginning and not enjoying this epilogue thing but still reading to see if it gets better for me again:... monotonousfox

    You're the weird one here tbh, you literally voiced out an UNPOPULAR OPINION do u really expect that all people will agree with you??

    Penis August 17, 2023 1:50 am

    You're told to stop reading bcs you literally js said that you dont like the life w kids arc and that this story needs to end if u don't like the life w kids arc then js read up to the chapters that doesn't contain any of that arc??? Js as u said, if u don't like it then don't read it

    monotonousfox August 17, 2023 3:43 am
    You're told to stop reading bcs you literally js said that you dont like the life w kids arc and that this story needs to end if u don't like the life w kids arc then js read up to the chapters that doesn't con... Penis



    The fact that this isnt a side story or epilogue? Im still reading. Bc there literally could be more drama going on besides “how do you have sex when you have young children??

    monotonousfox August 17, 2023 3:49 am
    You're told to stop reading bcs you literally js said that you dont like the life w kids arc and that this story needs to end if u don't like the life w kids arc then js read up to the chapters that doesn't con... Penis

    Tl;dr: maybe i like the general story and this arc isnt it. And if there’s nothing relating to the og story, just make a sequel with all the fluffy non-problems.

    But there isnt a sequel. This isnt labeled as a side story, so now i keep reading, expecting the other shoe to drop (the story ending or another substantial drama) and it fucking doesnt. Just a non drama about ‘Sex when we have kids. How???’ Fucking find time. It sounds rude, but youre making a mountain out of a mole hill, kid.

    monotonousfox August 17, 2023 5:30 am
    You're the weird one here tbh, you literally voiced out an UNPOPULAR OPINION do u really expect that all people will agree with you?? Penis

    Imagine saying “unpopular opinion” bc you know some people will disagree with you

    Literally “no hate, but…”

    Do better. Or understand internet culture better. Someone saying ‘I know some of yall will disagree w me” isnt for the ppl that disagree with them, but for the ppl that agree.

    Literally, do i need 5+ ppl saying the same thing to me? No. Bc thats not why i commented in the first place. I wanted to spark a conversation, not get stuck in some weird echo chamber of “actually, shut up and leave :)”

    Crazy, right?

    monotonousfox August 18, 2023 4:44 am
    If you don't want a story to have a "life with kids" arc then stop reading or literally js read something else that doesn't have the "life with kids" arc you're talking about. You should've kept your unpopular ... Penis

    *me in a different mood from yesterday*


    Unpopular for a reason, babe
