Take your own advice.
1. You can’t differentiate fantasy from reality. People read horror stories, it doesn’t mean they are going to kill people. People love Dexter (a series about a serial killer that kills other serial killers) it does not mean they condone serial killers or want to be one. Yikes! Stories are fantasy for ENTERTAINMENT to get away.
2. There are other POVS. One it is not rape but SA and abuse. He is toxic and abusive. The story when read carefully it is not rape. It has nothing to with how hot JK is. He isn’t to me or to a straight man. You are not accepting there are different POVs or see the story’s pov.
I think you need your advice for yourself.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

even tho it’s just a story i don’t think it’s great nor normal to draw a man RAPING another man.
i think ure the one who didn’t read the story cuz there’s a bunch of times the bottom doesn’t want to do it but the top does it anyway, that’s called rape. so yes there’s sa and rape. secondly like i said it’s not normal to draw these kind of stories, a horror manga and an abusive man is not the same. u can’t compare horror w rape it doesn’t make sense. the author drew jk goodlooking especially for him to be appreciate by straight women who likes to see 2 men jerking off each other. u can’t deny it, it’s real. if he wasn’t attractive or if the art wasn’t good everybody would have cancel this yaoi. idk where do u come from cuz saying that ppl can enjoy and can thing raping and sa is great and cool is actually WILD.
and j so u know idgaf abt other povs, i know he’s going to be a green flag in the end but still u shouldn’t accept sa in manwha (⌒▽⌒)

i’m okay with that tho- we all forgive jaekyung and waiting for his character development instead of hating on him bc he’s super hot. and I’m not straight, i’m asexual but i still enjoy yaois so you’re a bit wrong in your previous comment (: but having a real teenage woman as a pp is a bit disturbing to be, tbh

i dont forgive tho, and if ur asexual that means ur straight ( maybe ur like, gay or sum idk u).
i’m saying that ppl don’t cancel this yaoi cuz of how handsome jk he’s and that’s true, it’s like painter of the night they’re the same thing. and j for my pfp it’s just a pfp that’s all it’s not disturbing it’s j a picture on pinterest

Lolll.. loll.
Laughing is a trolling trick.
Can’t you handle a civil conversation? Rape is your pov.
I have read the story carefully.
“ I think you are the one who did not read the story”. I can see the same about you but that would be view as a personal attack, right? So stop it.
I fully know what rape is. You don’t have to be condescending because I read the story more carefully and understand it better. You are missing my point about the horror stories. Why don’t you try to understand instead of trying to be right?
If he wasn’t attractive and the art was bad then I would imagine many would be honest and say it isn’t rape. Most saying it is rape, wants it to be rape for their agenda. I know there are genuine readers who can logical come to the conclusion. But most forcing it is rape isn’t genuine readers.
It comes from reality and research. Women can read stories about multiple lovers and don’t condone it real life. Rape in stories have exist for thousands of years and will continue to exist. It is WILD you can’t comprehend this or be an adult. It is a fantasy. Learn to differentiate between fantasy and reality.
I never accepted his toxic SA. Will you stop assuming? No where in that did I said I did. That is wild. You need to take your advice for yourself.
Your choice: have a civil conversation with me or leave me alone. You don’t have the choice to attack me. What happened in your last reply (to me): It is only showing you are insecure and taking the lost in a conversation. I don’t want to argue or have it where you are being a cyber bully when I am trying to have a civil conversation.

“ Yet the role played by erotic fiction and fantasy is an important one, says sexologist and director of Sexology Australia, Elaine George. "Erotic fiction, in particular, enables a woman to get carried away with her sense of imagination and imaginary play," she says.
"That imaginary play can be with a lover. It can be with multiple lovers. And it can be inventing a scenario that enables her to become erotically charged.”
She may NEVER want to be with multiple lovers or could be against it in reality.
“ Why do women read erotic fiction?
Distraction and feelings of ease were identified as prime rewards associated with reading erotic novels.”
It is a distraction. It is a fantasy for entertainment but you are associating with real life.
I think serial killers should be in prison. However, people love Dexter (TV show) who is a serial killer killing other serial killers. Your logic is everyone is a serial killer or wants condones serial killers actions that loves Dexter?
The same with horror stories. Zombies? Devil worshiping? It is just a distracting and many do have rape fantasies.
Let me remind you, if you watch Hentai (porn aimed more for men but women does watch it) there are many rape movies where the man/men is/are ugly.
People do enjoy rape stories and SA stories but don’t condone in real life. They can differentiate from reality and fantasies. I find it wild you are are putting words in my mouth and don’t understand reality. I don’t know if they think it is great and cool. Stop putting words in my mouth and start looking at your world. I am only telling you the truth.

ok j translate what i’m gonna say ok?
frère y’a pas de conversation civil ou jsp quoi jmen fous la j’te dis un truc tu me sors des bails de jsp quoi de « im insecure » im not ????? je suis seulement entrain de dénoncer certains faits mais malheureusement vous voulez pas comprendre. je t’attaque même pas t folle la vie de ma mère c une dinguerie ça.
si tu n’acceptes pas his toxic sa alors pourquoi tu lis cette merde ? c’est juste pas logique.
de plus ce n’est pas que j’ai envie d’avoir raison c’est que j’ai raison je peux te donner tellement d’arguments, y’a un moment où le bottom il voulait pas le faire dans la douche il a même pas eu le temps de parler que l’autre il la violé alors arrête de me dire y’a pas de rape tu veux juste pas entendre
bref vas-y si tu veux y’a pas de rape ok ma belle y’a quand même lots of sa u can’t deny it right? donc excuse moi mais y’a pas à faire de différences entre la réalité et les webtoon, y’a sa donc c’est pas normal.
je trouve que dire ce genre de choses c’est littéralement dire que his sa is normal, but it’s not and it will never be. i’m ain’t assuming wtv u want but i’m still saying that if u say this then tu approuves les attouchements. idc if it’s a fantasy or not, lots of teenagers will read this and think it’s normal while it’s not it’s just bad af why are u deny it i don’t understand bro
horror stories instead r normal and it’s not the same as a sa story they’re here to make us scared that’s all.
anyways i’m really tryna understand ur pov but i can’t and i did not attack u chill

I am not going to translate that. But so you are another sock puppet? -.-;
No lots of teenagers would read this and know the difference between reality and fantasy. It is like the Bible.
You still don’t understand the horror stories point.
No, horror stories don’t scare me. I am desensitized to them. It is the same thing jinx and a horror story, it is a fantasy. It is fake. If you watch a story about zombies. It does not mean you are going to go eat brains. Teenagers will know both are fake.
Go read Heartless.
You were condescending and calling me ignorant in rape because I don’t share your pov of rape in a story that isn’t about rape if read carefully. Yuck! You were mocking me too. You don’t want to understand what I am saying. It is not my pov. It is just reality. If you can’t understand reality. Then seek help.

(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜Brother there is no civil conversation or jsp what jmen crazy there I tell you something you get me out of the leases of jsp what "imsecure" im not ????? I'm just denouncing some facts but unfortunately you don't want to understand. I'm not even attacking you crazy my mother's life it's crazy.
If you don't accept his toxic sa then why are you reading this shit? It's just not logical.
Moreover it's not that I want to be right it's that I'm right I can give you so many arguments, there's a moment when the bottom he didn't want to do it in the shower he didn't even have time to talk that the other he raped her so stop telling me there's no rape you just don't want to hear
In short go if you want there's no rape ok my beautiful there's still lots of her u can't deny it right? So excuse me but there's no need to make a difference between reality and webtoons, so it's not normal.
I think that saying this kind of thing is literally saying that his sa is normal, but it's not and it will never be. i'm ain't assuming wtv u want but i'm still saying that if u say this then you approve the touching. idc if it's a fantasy or not, lots of teenagers will read this and think it's normal
Horror stories instead r normal and it's not the same as a sa story they're here to make us scared that's all.
Anyways i'm really tryna understand ur pov but i can't and i did not attack u chill. #-.-)
*** LOOK AT from different perspectives. You are using Dan’s thoughts bubbles. Be in the room. Be JK. You can’t hear or see Dan’s thought bubbles. You don’t know his background information. Read the story closely. Read chapter 4 closely.

He told him to leave twice. He said “ if you waste my time like that last little bitch. Don’t expect to be sent home safe and sound.” 27/50
Dan consented to the threatened which is rape by definition if you want to interpret that. IF ANYTHING Happened.
But we get to 30/50. If even this is too much for you, then just get the fuck out.
JK again tells him to leave. We see Dan choose to be there because of the money “ Right. I am the one who said I wanted 5 grand. I guess I just need to bite the bullet.”
Dan consented after he was given a choice to leave.
He didn’t do because he was scared. He didn’t do because he was threatened or afraid of being hit.
Which seems empty, eh?
42/ 50. Dan- Please just .. put it in now. JK let him prepared himself than took over.
47/50. He said stop. Don’t
48/50. He gets another threat and forced to a pillow.
I don’t want to keep writing garage.
Chapter 4
Dan doesn’t talk much at first but JK does. Jk tells him you tell me to just put it in, and then clenched up so tight I can’t even do it.
He slammed it in. Dan hasn’t said anything. He had many times to say something or say he was a virgin.
12/55 Hey?
13/55 Are you crying? Over that? I barely even put it in!
Look at his face. Why would he be concerned??
Dan says no that’s no not why… you just startled me.
Jk - you are not going to stay whining again, are you?
Dan - No, I can do it.
Dan says no. 23/55
Jk stops. He asked if how many men he had. Dan lied to him. He thinks he is with someone with experience.
Dan no not’s that’s… it’s not like that.
31/55. Dan - please a little gentler…
It is not a stop or I don’t want to. He is asking for JK to be gentler.
…. It has rape elements but the next scene or line changes it. You are cherry picking and using Dan’s feelings. Dan doesn’t voice his feelings to JK.
ew it’s actually disgusting, the author is just some kind of psycho istg, she always put rapes in her story.
idk why ppl enjoy things like this, there’s no plot it’s just a fucking man who likes to rape other men. u only like him cuz he’s good looking and cuz the art is splendid that’s all
pls go see a therapist