damn what

toilet terrorist August 15, 2023 11:26 am

Lowkey feels like psuedoincest how the heck do the kids you've taken care of fall in love with you? They a highkey weird

    Qxeen_zxy August 28, 2023 12:41 pm

    It’s actually more common than you think. Step parents often feel attraction to their step kids. Absent parents or biological parents who lost contact with their children often feel attracted to their own biological children if enough time has passed (say like 10-20 years). It’s a weird phenomenon but it’s actually around us all the time. The only difference is that most people don’t act on those urges because society has named it as a taboo. Some people in different countries do still act on them though. Especially in the step parent/stepchild situation.

    toilet terrorist August 28, 2023 12:48 pm
    It’s actually more common than you think. Step parents often feel attraction to their step kids. Absent parents or biological parents who lost contact with their children often feel attracted to their own bio... Qxeen_zxy

    God thats really disguting, how could step parents feel attraction to the children their raising/raised or parents feel attraction to their biological children. Any form of incest is nasty, not just for breeding reasons but because of the fact its immoral. Having incestuous feelings should be considered a mental illness genuinely, these people need help and support. Its kind of sad that its common.

    Qxeen_zxy August 28, 2023 3:18 pm

    Dude say that to my mums husband lol. He never got the memo either. I legit stopped seeing my mum and baby sister over his actions. It’s tolerable as a book right cause it’s fake but irl it’s actually disgusting and disturbing.

    toilet terrorist August 28, 2023 5:22 pm
    Dude say that to my mums husband lol. He never got the memo either. I legit stopped seeing my mum and baby sister over his actions. It’s tolerable as a book right cause it’s fake but irl it’s actually dis... Qxeen_zxy

    Super predatory and im sorry that happened to you