
Well the translations are missing a chapter, so if you haven’t read the actual first chapter of S2 then it’s REALLY abrupt lol. But I like that they jumped right into the action instead of there being a build up. I also can’t understand why people have a problem with the romance. It’s barely there to begin with!
The starting ch of szn 2 seems kinda abrupt and like i thought i missed smthing or forgot some of the plot but no he just straight up kills someone in the beginning. And I’ve seen some comments abt ppl dropping bc of the romance but honestly it’s not overbearing (at least for me personally) and besides, my girl huijin is a baddie. Also bro i hate (not really) that pretty much everyone in here is fine asf like i can’t even hate the villains to the max bc they’re just mf hot but like omg mc is so baddie and slay like if there was a slayometer, he would go to infinity and beyond like he’s too slay and i love him for that