It's just me who find dan being reallllly dumb? I can't see any reason for him to fall in ...

yua August 14, 2023 3:04 pm

It's just me who find dan being reallllly dumb? I can't see any reason for him to fall in love Jaekyung, all i remember is him assaulting dan with every chance he get

    Akiraaa August 14, 2023 3:43 pm

    He paid his grandma’s hospital fees and has a roof over his had because of Jaekyung. I too would mistake codependency for love

    toilet terrorist August 14, 2023 3:48 pm

    Stockholm lol, its a sort of uncontrollable survival tactic, also what akira said haha

    Tmsmyz August 14, 2023 4:41 pm

    You can’t help who you fall in love with. Are you sure your reading the story correctly?

    It is not Stockholm lol.
    Stockholm syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time. This condition applies to situations including child abuse, coach-athlete abuse, relationship abuse and sex trafficking,documented%20in%20the%20research%20include%3A&text=Feeling%20closely%20bonded%20or%20attached,of%20the%20captor%20or%20abuser

    Look at psychological causes, signs and symptoms. You have no case.
    It gives you 5 Examples of Stockholm Syndrome. None are close. 4 is the Stockholm syndrome abusive relationship. You have no case. This isn’t Stockholm syndrome.

    Mikaela August 14, 2023 4:52 pm

    ''Stockholm syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation.''
    Thanks for proofing our point Tmsm, god bless you.

    toilet terrorist August 14, 2023 5:30 pm

    It gives FIVE examples, yes. That doesnt mean there arent other situations that it can apply to, this article is spoon feeding you and now youre asking how to chew. The situation Dan is in is abusive, if you cant see that you obviously wont be able to understand. Literally unbelievable man.

    yua August 14, 2023 5:42 pm

    Haha Yes I do agree Jaekyung paid his grandma hospital bills and gave him a house to stay but y'all don't think it's too soon to fall in love? Jaekyung literally didn't have any character development so he can fall in love with him lol

    Torakaze August 14, 2023 5:54 pm

    He disproved both of your points. Mikaela is cherry picking and toilet is making an asinine argument with insults because he knows he is wrong. He is trying to spoon feed us to his pov when he knows he is dead wrong. I don’t chew lies.
    Toilet is failing here. It is the wrong type of abusive behavior. It is missing many elements to be Stockholm syndrome. It was not just the examples. Look at the examples it doesn’t fit. Stop degrading others who are trying to stop the lying BS.
    Compare and see where you are being wrong. Stop gaslighting too. Stop the BS when you know your wrong. It is not Stockholm Syndrome. Toilet, he sees the abusive behavior so stop the BS and talk to us with honor or stop lying and gaslighting. We see your abusive behavior.
    Compare this. He is being truthful.,syndrome%20have%20all%20but%20vanished.

    Mikaela August 14, 2023 6:56 pm
    toilet terrorist August 14, 2023 7:13 pm

    These are the symptoms that I've observed Dan display, if he doesnt HAVE stockholm he is clearly developing it.
    •Conflicting feelings of fear and affection for the captor/abuser one instance of affection recently an example of fear? Though it is confusing in what hes scared about. He is raped right after he refuses (being put in the water after getting of jaekyung saying he needs a break) immediate apology after pausing during intercourse because he wanted to stop, sign of fear and the sweat marks are there to imply hes nervous
    • Feeling closely bonded or attached to the captor or abuser (refering to panels 12-15 where he states that before he used to be extremely fearful/uncomfortable around jaekyung but now he feels different) (concern for him? that can be seen as a sort of affection but i interpret it as being linked to him being attache, personaly interpretation witht his one so take it with a grain of salt)
    • Denial, minimization, or excuses made for abuse or maltreatment (i have few examples here because its just completely dismissed and unmentioned from Dan) right after he was raped 0 acknowledgement, its like he doesnt even know it.
    • Loss of identity or trouble identifying feelings, wants, and needs (specifically refering to feelings but I'll give a little more options) He seems to have been unable to know when hes exhausted possibly due to all the stress Jaehkyung AND his issues with his grandma but still jaekyung is a worthy mention. He knows he wants but isnt strong enough mentally to enforce it, he also seems intimidated by Jaekyung whenever mentioning things he wants which is why i mentioned it as something of concern. panel 2-3 he doesnt know what his feelings towards jaekyung are, there are multiple instances where hes unable to indentify affection for him possibly to do with more personal issues but i also think its impacted by Jaekyungs behavior towards him. cant acknowledge that hes injured but worries for jaekyung, understandable since jakeyung fought but hes the one who got injured.
    • Regressing to a childlike state of dependence unable to takecare of himself Asking permission to sit down, this also has something to do with their power dynamics (boss employee) but korean culture would be more adamant about respecting elders (which Jaekyung clearly doesnt care about so im not sure if it has to do with cultural norms too much). They also live in the same exact house and Jaekyung stated he can do what he wants so asking permission to sit down or just instinctively staying standing up is a sign of childlike dependency. Almost feels like parent-child dynamics aside from the sexual part. literally had to tell him to take care of himself for him to do better and questioned whether he ALSO had to help with that. Dan said no but its clear he is becoming more codependent as the chapters move foward.

    I genuinely want to understand why you have the opinion you do on the stockholm syndrome situation, I'd appreciate it if you reply to me with an organised arguement. I didnt proof read this so please dont mind the spelling errors.

    Tmsmyz August 14, 2023 9:11 pm
    These are the symptoms that I've observed Dan display, if he doesnt HAVE stockholm he is clearly developing it. •Conflicting feelings of fear and affection for the captor/abuser toilet terrorist

    Your argument is trying to force your POV. Dan doesn’t have Stockholm syndrome and can’t clearly developing it. It is the wrong type of abuse and he isn’t in that situation.
• and that isn’t fear of JK. That is being scared of falling in love. This is a common reaction to some people.

    It is not confusing what he is scared about., if you read carefully and understand him without an agenda. Was he raped? You keep pushing your dumb agenda. Stop taking the story of context. He says he needs a minute. JK says to him what did I say about breaking the flow and moves. Dan did not say no or stop or anything. You have rape on the brain. So much you scare me. the apology is Korean customs. And you are taking the story out of context. Are those the sweat marks and are there to imply hes nervous? If they were he is being carried naked by JK into the pool. He is justified to have sweat marks saying he is nervous. You have no case. 
• Feeling closely bonded or attached to the captor or abuser () Did you see what Tora posted. This is debunked. You are not understanding abuser well and what is need for Stockholm syndrome. “The original Beauty of Beauty and the Beast did suffer from Stockholm syndrome. She developed feelings for the Beast under duress, alone and unsupported, rather than through genuine connection. However, as the story has been altered for modern audiences, elements of Stockholm syndrome have all but vanished. “ You are trying to make this the original Beauty and the Beast when the elements are not there, bro. Dan has choices and you are making him falling in love something hideous for your hateful and selfish agenda against JK.

• Denial, minimization, or excuses made for abuse or maltreatment (i have few examples here because its just completely dismissed and unmentioned from Dan) “right after he was raped 0 acknowledgement, its like he doesnt even know it. “. Rape is your pov. The story does not share your pov. It is not rape. This link is about him thinking about the glasses. There is no rape in this story. You can view as rape but you have no case here. 
• Loss of identity or trouble identifying feelings, wants, and needs (specifically refering to feelings but I'll give a little more options) He wasn’t even living with JK. This was about something else. That was you reaching. This is about Dan pushing himself to the limits and Jk comes in Helps him. JK shows he cares about Dan and his health. If you read what Tora posted. It is not Stockholm syndrome. ** He knows he wants and he is strong enough mentally to enforce it, he is intimidated by Jaekyung. You don’t understand Dan’s character and I have to remind you this is a story from Korea. Korean has different customs. “panel 2-3 he doesnt know what his feelings towards jaekyung are”
    that is how it is when you first fall in love. You are cherry picking You are reaching again. Korean customs and Dan is a caring person. A caring person would be more considerate of the other person than theirselves. It has nothing to Stockholm Syndrome. It is Dan’s character.
• Regressing to a childlike state of dependence reaching again that isn’t going to a childlike state. Dan is pushing himself so much trying to take care of himself and the problem, he neglected his health. It had nothing to Jk Korean customs again. I am glad you see this one but it not power dynamics as you want it be. Does Jaekyung doesn’t care? And no that using Korean customs to ask permission isn’t a sign of childlike dependency. He is acting like a guest to his boss that is allowing him to stay there temporary. He is not living there. Read the story. Read the room. I can’t believe you went there. That was disgusting to make a ridiculous point. If you read that article and read more info Stockholm syndrome you will see this is missing many elements to be SS and has many elements that says it can’t be SS.

    Do you genuinely want to understand why I believe a non-Stockholm syndrome story isn’t Stockholm syndrome because I understand Stockholm syndrome better. You are taking one word and taking out of context to what Stockholm syndrome actually means. You are taking points of the story that don’t support it is Stockholm syndrome to where you are taking it out of context and using Korean customs against itself for your POV. So do you genuinely want to understand when you can just learn what Stockholm syndrome actually is and see this story doesn’t fit it. It is missing many elements that is needed to be Stockholm Syndrome and has elements that says it can’t be Stockholm syndrome. You must had a negative childhood to made everything so much more toxic than what it is. He is abusive. You know I have said that. He is just not Stockholm syndrome type of abuse. This is not rape and this is not Stockholm Syndrome. That is not my opinion. That is taking the definitions and comparing. This is not incest. It is not my opinion. It is knowing the terms on a deeper level than face value and twisting the story to your POV. (Note: I only had problems with the last link. The last link open to the main page of jinx. It is seems like it is chapter 14 page 28 but that wasn’t what you are describing)

    Mikaela August 14, 2023 9:26 pm
    These are the symptoms that I've observed Dan display, if he doesnt HAVE stockholm he is clearly developing it. •Conflicting feelings of fear and affection for the captor/abuser toilet terrorist

    Bestie, you made valid points but it's no use now. You can't argue with these kind of people. It was fun while it lasted though lol.

    toilet terrorist August 14, 2023 9:33 pm

    Looking at what you said, its probably not stockholm. I still do think Dan was raped and i also still do think that he isnt actually falling in love with Jaekyung. It still seems like a sort of trauma bonding, perhaps stockholm isnt the right word for it. There is still definetly a codependency going on since Dan is relying on Jaekyung for all his needs currently. I dont know what could be the name for it, I'm going to educate myself more on this kind of thing so i have the right words to explain it. Apologies for being confused, though again, i still dont agree with you on a lot of things. I'll make sure to find the right words to explain the sort of relationship they have, and come back with furtehr analysis. Also, a mention about you saying consent is retractable, that is true, but Dan's indecisiveness is a point of concern. In the very least this is dubcon with sexual abuse in it, if someone is sporadically retracting and giving consent during intercourse the right course of action would be to pause and let them think about it without pressuring/intimidating them. Something Jaekyung doesnt do im pretty sure. Its safe to say that the consent there is questionable but thank you for correcting my confusion with stockholm and trauma bonding i think i confused them as being the same haha. My bad.

    toilet terrorist August 14, 2023 9:38 pm
    Bestie, you made valid points but it's no use now. You can't argue with these kind of people. It was fun while it lasted though lol. Mikaela

    No a lot of what he said made sense, its the first time ive actually thought that. Though if you look at my reply you can see im still not agreeing with the other stuff he says

    Mikaela August 14, 2023 9:53 pm
    No a lot of what he said made sense, its the first time ive actually thought that. Though if you look at my reply you can see im still not agreeing with the other stuff he says toilet terrorist

    We argued for so long that I just honestly gave up reading their replies, so if you say so I'll assume that's true lol. Points were made from both sides. I still think these people are kinda insane, especially when one of them said we were raping them online and said we were worse than a rapist.

    toilet terrorist August 14, 2023 10:19 pm
    We argued for so long that I just honestly gave up reading their replies, so if you say so I'll assume that's true lol. Points were made from both sides. I still think these people are kinda insane, especially ... Mikaela

    Yeah that why i made it clear i didnt agree with them on alot of things. Ive said stupid shit too, not as bad as that but very stupid. This is overcomable through apology but it seems like he wont actually do that. Its not like he needs the forgiveness of others this is moreso taking responsibility for your actions. Thats why i said sorry cause i was wrong about the stockholm, i was super confused and only realised now

    Torakaze August 15, 2023 1:14 am
    Your argument is trying to force your POV. Dan doesn’t have Stockholm syndrome and can’t clearly developing it. It is the wrong type of abuse and he isn’t in that situation. 
• Tmsmyz

    You are not sharing opinions but you should had back yourself with the story more so they know they are disagreeing with the story than you.
    He can think it is rape or think he is not falling in love but the story is saying otherwise. He is not disagreeing with us. I told him before they attacked Rose and Mi Amore it wasn’t Stockholm Syndrome and I guess I should had explained it. I am glad this was resolved to the real story.
    However, you did say this was dubcon, don’t you? Until I told you look at the examples of dubcon. He isn’t reading the story carefully it seems. The pressure is there but not all the time and he is told to leave, twice. Dan chose to stay. Jk did pause without pressuring him or intimidating him. What story is he reading? Consent is given and taken away a few times but mostly given in what JK hears.

    You were clear. So to say you don’t make sense is gaslighting. And he is making the story and Korean customs, you?? How does that work? Lol.

    We never argued with Mikaela, toilet and that bunch. They don’t accept there is a difference pov and they attack and degrade others on it. They attacked and degraded a rape survivor saying this wasn’t rape. This was not pov vs pov. This was I can’t accept that others can’t see this as rape. So see it as rape or be a sicko rape apologist needing professional help. There was no civil conversation after Rose was attacked. There was no argument. There was no debate. It was just one side attacked us as we defend us. Hey, while one of you spread misinformation about us and causing more attacks on us. We never defend toxic JK or excused his behavior.

    Also, I was not a part of what Mikaela was talking about in her last part. They explained that twice or more. They have nothing to apologize for. They drop that when they realized many of the cyber bullies don’t have the mentality to comprehend something so simple. They realize they were dealing with children regardless of age. Mikaela is keeping a drop defensive to cyber bullying going. It is simple to comprehend that defense.
    *Worse as rapist was corrected to as rapist. Cyber bullying/ cyber stalking can have some affects as rape does on the survivors. It can lead to them taking their lives. He has nothing to apologize for as Mikaela, toilet and others keep cyber stalking us. HELPMELMAO has told him to kill himself twice. With facts from reality, he is justified. They have not stop gaslighting and cyber bullying us either. They have not stop lying. In no way, shape, or form was that an argument over pov vs pov. It was just pure harassment because they couldn’t handle another pov. They still harass us and make up BS. TM I guess apologize for their lack of mentality??? I don’t know. You said that to make them be responsible adults. You were being responsible. It is a shame they don’t take time to understand it and show how fragile they are to keep it up. Disrespectful and disgusting behavior.

    Torakaze August 15, 2023 1:45 am
    You are not sharing opinions but you should had back yourself with the story more so they know they are disagreeing with the story than you. He can think it is rape or think he is not falling in love but the st... Torakaze,%2Dharm%2C%20and%20suicidal%20thoughts.

    “ Effects of Cyberbullying
    Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to harass, threaten, or humiliate someone. This can include sending mean texts or emails, posting hurtful messages on social media sites, or spreading rumors online. Cyberbullying can be very harmful and can lead to depression, anxiety, and in some cases, even suicide.”

    What are common mental effects of sexual assault and rape?
    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts
    Depression, including prolonged sadness, feelings of hopelessness, unexplained crying, weight loss or gain, loss of energy or interest in activities previously enjoyed
    Suicidal thoughts or attempts.
    Dissociation, including not being able to focus on work or on schoolwork, as well as not feeling present in everyday situations
    What are common emotional effects of sexual assault and rape?
    Changes in trusting others
    Anger and blame
    Loss of control
    Sense of vulnerability
    Self-blame/guilt for “allowing” the crime to happen
    Feeling that these reactions are a sign of weakness

    Cyber bullies/cyber stalkers, trolls and the like are no better than a rapist because it could and can cause the same emotions effects on the victims with the emotion abuse and other abuse they cause. He has nothing to apologize for. He was being dead serious. The other one Mikaela is mocking, it was said being dead serious too. It was said to wake up people and get them to stop cyber stalking her but it caused more because they took it literally and mocked it instead of looking at their actions.

    You are not the victim, Mikaela. Stop pretending to be one. You attacked many people even a rape survivor for a trivial pov on a story. This has always been about your and others attacks on us not pov vs pov “argument”. You remind me of a pilot that was ordered to shoot down a spy plane. He thought he confirmed it was a spy plane even though it looked like a commercial plane. He shot down a commercial plane and killed many people. He is still convinced he shoot down a spy plane no matter what evidence there is. He is living in denial due to he can’t handle he killed innocent people. You can living in denial and keep digging but you are not and never were the victim here. You are the aggressor. At least toilet does try to talk but he is an aggressive person as well.
    You have choices. If you don’t like what we say and can’t have a mature conversation, you are free to not speak to us or/and to leave. You are not free to degrade us or speak that way to us.
    You can choose to leave us alone or have a civil conversation that is respectful. You are not free to control me or to continue to gaslight and cyber stalk us. We have tried to move on but you keep attacking us. We will not scoop to your level or mentality. We will not apologize for trying to put grown up sense into your head. It is your choice to be a child or try to understand what we are saying.
    The grammar attacks: we have told you repeatedly it is a troll trick and reflects on you instead. You still use that trick. It is not going to change. It is not going to harm us. It is showing you lost by research and you are frustrated by research. You are not doing anything to use. You are not learning anything. We are not going to get upset. We are not to get hurt. We are going to call you out on your insecurities again. It is your behavior that needs to change. I hope for the better. Stop being part of the problem.

    Mikaela August 15, 2023 3:24 pm

    I am not reading all that. I never made myself the victim, so stop lying first of all. And my point still stands, you and your group are insane. Using a rape survivor to validate your points, attacking others in the comment section and putting words in others mouth. You aren't inferior, nor a god. Keep doing that, it only makes yourself look like a fool, which you already do. Goodbye.

    Tmsmyz August 16, 2023 1:13 am Torakaze

    Damn Tora. I kind of understand the why you said for her, “ to stop pretending to be a victim.” Form the last few replies but I had to look it up.

    “ Signs include frequently blaming others and having trouble accepting personal responsibility.”

    “ Behavioral signs

    often placing blame on external factors or other people when things go wrong
    having trouble taking personal responsibility or seeing how you may have contributed to a situation being overly critical of yourself or others
    associating only with people who think like you”

    I can pull comments of her replies to back that.

    We have not lied - gaslighting. Mikaela point is about her and her abusive group. We never used a rape survivor to validate anything- to claim we did is insane and gaslighting. No one on this attacked any one, besides me, when I was acting like purky and Mikaela- to claim we did is insane and gaslighting. We didn’t put words into other people mouths. We told you want you meant by those words. This is Mikaela trying to discredit us with gaslighting and being insecure. Right we are not inferior. We never tried to be a God. Mikaela is trying to use Rose’s words but failing. Rose used superior btw. Mikaela is seeing how we call out their behavior and what their behavior/words means by research which hurts because it is the truth or close to the truth but she doesn’t understand the fundamentals of the research to effectively call out the behavior and looks silly when she tries to return the call outs as insults to try to hurt us. It fails. It is self-sabotage. She is only showing how insecure and how much of a cowardly person she is with her insults on us but she is only defining herself. Since this began she knows her pathetic tricks don’t work and she still used them. She is 18 and she is “playing house” with me: a gay married man who is doubled her age that wants nothing to do with her after that and her cyber stalking me. She keeps going. That is what insane is. She keeps points going that were drop. She took one too literally and mocked it. Which is just heartless and insane. It is plain out sadistic.
    The other one I said and thank you for explaining it when I think I did. Just not in-depth. They took that wrong too. They took Rose being a Rape survivor wrong too. They keep make gruesome comments while acting like we are “arguing” or “attacking” them when we only defended (besides me mock attacking them —being like them). They are being pathetic.
    I will repeat Tora’s words: “ You have choices. If you don’t like what we say and can’t have a mature conversation, you are free to not speak to us or/and to leave. You are not free to degrade us or speak that way to us.
    You can choose to leave us alone or have a civil conversation that is respectful. You are not free to control me (us) or to continue to gaslight and cyber stalk us. We have tried to move on but you keep attacking us. We will not scoop to your level or mentality. We will not apologize for trying to put grown up sense into your head. It is your choice to be a child or try to understand what we are saying.”

    She chose to be a cyber bullying again with gaslighting and insults that desperately describing them instead of us. That is her taking a lost.