What the hell

Yangfei August 14, 2023 3:01 am

Does nobody realise how cruel this was?? The fact that Taewon purposefully kept Yusung by his side for years, treating him like actual shit and he knew the entire time that Yusung liked him?? Like yes how amazing that Taewon did some nice things for Yusung behind his back, but that doesn’t justify or erase how badly he treated him. I seriously hope Taewon’s not end game, he seriously needs some karma and a reality check cuz wtf.

    blueninja89 August 18, 2023 5:32 pm

    It actually is quite bizarre this is seen as romantic and it very common place in Korean romance plots too but seen usually traditionally seen with as the chaebol or young boss and his female secretary/ underling dynamic quite often. The I treat you horribly because I know you will put up with it and it lets me test how willing you are to put up with the abuse means you really love me back or are worth my love should I feel inclined. It’s honestly disgusting but it’s extremely beloved as a trope it’s the Japanese Tsundre trope but made real with work place harassment and improper power imbalances. It’s why a lot of Korean women don’t want to get married because of the mistreatment they have and the cause of birth rate decline. Yet these same women are part of the patriarchy issue but making media and content that perpetuate these harmful and outdated forms of romantic allowances in a relationship.