Your instincts are correct. The way Yayhul has reacted to this whole situation is classic abuser behavior. I grew up with this and have even been locked against my will in rooms. He does the same thing by trapping his victim in a cocoon for a week. Siheon has no choice but to just sit there and listen to his bullshit. He threatens to rip his wing off to immobilize him the very minute he gains power over him (via shedding) and harshly grips it at the base to press his point. I just...can't get over that one. You'll notice that as soon as his carefully crafted facade is broken, he starts getting aggressive with Siheon.
And no one that cares about him will know because it all happened behind closed doors. It's sad, man.

That is soo true! He forces him to become his mate. Even if Siheon likes him that is some toxic behavior. And he is confused about his feelings too! Siheon was so honest about everything. He is really like a shooting wind. He was trapped for nothing. Instead of forcing him, they could have resolve this way more romantic.
I really liked how it was going before. Then the seme did some creepy/forcefull things. I know it was intentional for the audience to feel confused about their situation but uke did not deserve any of it. I can not feel anything from seme. I know he is feeling something but what? I don't know how to explain but farewell. I am dropping.