That’s another angle to look at it, the ML needs to be sure he feels that way and the MC can either wait until he figures it out or move on but here’s the thing about love, there’s something called Patience which is a key ingredient in relationship, the MC still likes the ML I would have been more impressed if he didn’t just give up and keeps slowly helping the ML realize his feelings like in “How to chase an alpha” or “Love for Sale”, but it might just be me thinking that way. I do believe if you genuinely love someone you’ll give them time to come to you and you’ll wait cause they’re worth it, but then again everyone is different.
Yo y’all are weird, trying to rush the ML to just fall in love with the MC like that, do y’all even know some people don’t just fall in love, it takes time and although they might be polite and nice doesn’t mean they actually feel it’s love, aren’t you people the weird ones for thinking just cause he showed him a bit of care and was not such a trash jerk like other semes cause he didn’t fall so fast and reciprocate the MCs feelings immediately he’s all of a sudden such a horrible person. I mean they did agree to act this way and eventually when he was starting to get a hang of his feelings the MC pulled this whole I have the USB drive but I didn’t tell you cause you said to use you and the ML felt betrayed that to me was a shitty move by the MC, honestly I’ll call it as it is, if we’re all being real here, anyways it’s good he’s getting to understand his feelings more and I’m happy he’s opening up more, they should take their time and work things out. Wishing them best of luck and all the love in the world cause the ML seems like a genuinely sweet and dedicated guy. Also a bit of advice just cause someone shows you a bit of care and love and you caught feelings doesn’t mean the person has to reciprocate it immediately or should catch feelings just as fast, people have thresholds and have different emotions respect that you won’t come off and needy, victims canceling someone who just genuinely would need more time to understand their feelings, be patient and wait and if you can’t be patient and wait then just move on and don’t start demonizing such a person.