I’m confused. And this is also a long rant, so pardon me.

AsexualFujoshi August 13, 2023 7:15 pm

At the start, it had a cute family vibe to the story, but then when it introduced us to Naguru’s(uke) motorcycle gang past, it kinda felt off, like it felt like Herapi(seme) was just a casual fling to him, especially when Naguru said he loved Herapi’s d1ck lol. And here is when I get confused, at chapter 6 they just introduced a random Shirakawa, like it felt a bit anti-climactic, like was he that relevant? Was he that necessary to the story? Was he the one that made Naguru into what he was back then? Or was he just a random friend? Lastly, did the mangaka purposely just leave out where Towa came from? was he just a random baby from the street? Did an actual stork give him? For a moment I even thought this was an omegaverse, since Naguru had a collar lol

    Lilia August 15, 2023 4:46 pm

    For real. The art and Towa are super cute, but the relationship between the MCs is not it.