instead of this manhwa, although it's made usually by the same damn "group" if you compare it with an official and a mtl the sentences are almost always completely different, the context and everything. how the fuck are we supposed to say it's not bad when we could get the context of the story completely different from what the actual story is.
I'm not blaming you here, I apologize if it does look like it but it just angers me because this has been happening to almost every single manhwa and it's so fucking annoying. Of course there are some sentences that are comprehendible but that's incredibly rare. Some of the sentences make zero sense at times and you can't even piece together wtf they meant.
If you can deal with it, good job but just know that these mtls are miserable and there was once a time where they didn't snipe tf out of actual scan groups nor did they exist pretty much.
The translation isn’t that bad