Saying to be patient is so wrong considering we are all here because we are broke 😭

Kaye August 12, 2023 5:16 pm

Saying to be patient is so wrong considering we are all here because we are broke

    Kaye August 12, 2023 8:17 pm
    You are twisting my words. You are gaslighting me. That was a bad faith comment as you didn’t define me at all. You are not talking to me but a made up conversation and version of me. I said to stop asking ba... Tmsmyz

    What the heck are you talking about 
 I defined what I’m basically reading from you in simple matters. I’m literally not even asking bad questions. They are relevant to the conversation I’m having with you. I feel like YOU are gaslight me right now help

    Kaye August 12, 2023 8:17 pm
    You literally said it with your own words “That is a bad argument. Really?? Come on!!” jesus christ I don’t see a reason for u to write so all of that when it’s a simple question Juliaangeline_


    Kaye August 12, 2023 8:19 pm
    She asked a question. I answered with some reasons. It is called having a conversation. Try it some time. I should had said bad question instead of bad argument. However, they asked me a question and you should... Tmsmyz

    I am having a calm mattered conversation with you are you’re saying all this stuff that I’m twisting your words and gaslighting you now THATS disrespectful to me

    Tmsmyz August 12, 2023 8:21 pm
    You literally said it with your own words “That is a bad argument. Really?? Come on!!” jesus christ I don’t see a reason for u to write so all of that when it’s a simple question Juliaangeline_

    You don’t see a reason. Many people would write that much. Because they CARED about the question or about the other person seeking conversation. The simple question was a obviously and stupid question but I took time and answered it because I cared.

    I don’t see a reason for your replies in personal attacking me over a trivial matter. Learn how to communicate and how a conversation works. Some people writes replies like that. Some would write longer replies.

    Kaye August 12, 2023 8:23 pm
    You are twisting my words. You are gaslighting me. That was a bad faith comment as you didn’t define me at all. You are not talking to me but a made up conversation and version of me. I said to stop asking ba... Tmsmyz

    What the heck are you talking about I defined what I’m reading through you by your answer to me I’m having a well mannered conversation with you I feel like you’re gaslight ME my questions weren’t even bad they were relevant to the conversation

    Tmsmyz August 12, 2023 8:24 pm
    I am having a calm mattered conversation with you are you’re saying all this stuff that I’m twisting your words and gaslighting you now THATS disrespectful to me Kaye

    More gaslighting me. You changed my words. I pointed out what happened. That isn’t disrespectful to you when you are disrespectful to me and I am calling it out.
    Check yourself.
    Your comments to me don’t correspond with my comments at all.

    Kaye August 12, 2023 8:24 pm
    You literally said it with your own words “That is a bad argument. Really?? Come on!!” jesus christ I don’t see a reason for u to write so all of that when it’s a simple question Juliaangeline_


    Juliaangeline_ August 12, 2023 8:27 pm
    You don’t see a reason. Many people would write that much. Because they CARED about the question or about the other person seeking conversation. The simple question was a obviously and stupid question but I t... Tmsmyz

    bro you’re literally saying their question is stupid and a bad argument obviously people will read into the situation in a diff way someone who isn’t trying to argue will just answer the question and make it a normal convo but ur acting like they’re dumb for asking that question

    Juliaangeline_ August 12, 2023 8:29 pm

    NAHHH and they’re victimizing themself saying you’re gaslighting them IT WAS JS A SIMPLE QUESTION

    Tmsmyz August 12, 2023 8:30 pm

    I have not blocked you or your causing drama friend. I am giving you a chance to amend your behavior and own up to what you did. Or you are going to continue to be a bad faith actor because I said bad argument instead of bad question.

    That was a bad question. Both were but I did try to understand and answered you. The second did not correspond with my comments then your comments after really did not either. Sigh. You really have misunderstood me and my comments.
    Patience is a virtue.

    Kaye August 12, 2023 8:31 pm
    More gaslighting me. You changed my words. I pointed out what happened. That isn’t disrespectful to you when you are disrespectful to me and I am calling it out. Check yourself. Your comments to me don’t co... Tmsmyz

    Nah you check yourself you’re coming to me with all the bs of me gaslighting you. I took all the heat when you said my questions were bad and I was calm and collected while replying to you. I don’t even think you’re gaslighting me you’re gaslighting yourself at this point.

    Kaye August 12, 2023 8:32 pm
    NAHHH and they’re victimizing themself saying you’re gaslighting them IT WAS JS A SIMPLE QUESTION Juliaangeline_


    Tmsmyz August 12, 2023 8:34 pm
    bro you’re literally saying their question is stupid and a bad argument obviously people will read into the situation in a diff way someone who isn’t trying to argue will just answer the question and make i... Juliaangeline_

    If you read on we change it for bad question. It was a bad question.
    I never acting like they were dumb. I had no opinion on them. You have no opinion because you didn’t read everything. Making up bullshit doesn’t give you the right to come at someone.

    Kaye August 12, 2023 8:34 pm
    I have not blocked you or your causing drama friend. I am giving you a chance to amend your behavior and own up to what you did. Or you are going to continue to be a bad faith actor because I said bad argument ... Tmsmyz

    Just responded to the block part , YOURE the one causing drama trying to victimize yourself thinking you’re right trying to have a snobby little attitude. I’m not going to amend because you’ve been way more disrespectful this entire time. All my responses to you were and made sense to the conversation.

    Juliaangeline_ August 12, 2023 8:35 pm

    You didn’t really miss out on much it’s js them saying you’re a gaslighter and i’m a causing drama friend Ù©(àč‘❛᎗❛àč‘)Û¶ we got some sweet nicknames

    Tmsmyz August 12, 2023 8:36 pm
    NAHHH and they’re victimizing themself saying you’re gaslighting them IT WAS JS A SIMPLE QUESTION Juliaangeline_

    It was what happened after. As their comments don’t correspond with mine but you have no opinion, you don’t read everything. Are you an alt account?

    toilet terrorist August 12, 2023 8:37 pm

    how did this turn into an arguemnt

    Tmsmyz August 12, 2023 8:38 pm
    Nah you check yourself you’re coming to me with all the bs of me gaslighting you. I took all the heat when you said my questions were bad and I was calm and collected while replying to you. I don’t even thi... Kaye

    You misunderstood my first comment. I was never heated. There was never bullshit on my side. The changing my words is not calm and collected, sweetheart.
    You are trying to gaslighting me. You are reading too deep in my words. Stop being ridiculously manipulative.

    Juliaangeline_ August 12, 2023 8:39 pm
    If you read on we change it for bad question. It was a bad question. I never acting like they were dumb. I had no opinion on them. You have no opinion because you didn’t read everything. Making up bullshit d... Tmsmyz

    BITCH u just said their question was stupid and went on to say their argument was bad when their question was never an argument i’m not losing patience waiting for this manwha i’m losing it on you ლ(®ڡ`ლ)

    Kaye August 12, 2023 8:40 pm
    how did this turn into an arguemnt toilet terrorist

    They are saying I’m gaslighting them bc I supposedly twisted their words and my questions are bad