Tbh he doesn't deserve that

Scaramouche gf August 12, 2023 5:01 pm

Bro imagine the kid's mental health being killed and resuscitated again and again. I think his mother deserves those kinds of treatment, to be honest, he was forced to do it. By just the way he acts he really lacks parental guidance and he is 3rd child in the family which gives him less priority and attention and is also being neglected by his older brother which makes him infuriated and insecure, he does not deserve to have such a severe punishment as that, but he also does not deserve an apology for the people's death on that incident. The bitch should be the one experiencing this the bitch Libra girl deserves all of that, not the kid. She priority her pride over her 3rd child the most no wonder the eldest child rebels against her. ヽ(`Д´)ノ
