I am not disagreeing with you that sometimes people help...but sometimes with the celebs? It is even more cold how they are treated. You probably are a couple years younger than me...But before social media, yet after the internet? The popparazi was cold and cruel...
Or look up "group watches someone drown."
Have fun reading. But remember fiction is often less strange and less dark, than reality

I've read the novel and the people mostly had mixed opinion about mc in original world. He was an actor who was amazing at his job but too much brutally honest to be a likable personality. That's why many people didn't want to help. And yea the people mostly stand and record stuffs is true. That happens irl.
When someone that famous get into an accident like that, there are at least a couple of people who will try to remove the chandelier but all of them stand there like nothing and just took some photos or even record. Wtf...the author could’ve done a better execution of the mc’s death to transmigrate bruh -_-