yea, those are discriminative remarks, but i dont see the ‘racism allegory’, cause racism is a system....avians and snakes still have the power to rank up, however they want...it’s not a system, it’s just hatred being thrown at the other side
and especially an allegory would mean that the comparison isn’t so obvious

So you agree? That it is systematic and an example is the military. Do you know what happens when the military is racist? If they are willing to hate crime their own soldier subordinates they should be taking care of? War crimes, war crimes against its citizens happen and they explain it in the story, a war broke out in the past.
Just because it’s the avian territory doesn’t mean they get to hate crime snakes, the snakes haven’t been doing that and for a reason, or do you think the opposite? If so that’s your guesswork, since it’s never been shown in the manga. All of what I said is shown and written.

I’m not trying to argue but I think you might’ve forgotten that this section is based in the *Avian* territory? It’s natural that the superiors here are all avians, yes their war is over now but so far only subordinates have been sent to other territories, no doubt Avians sent to the territories where the Snakes are superior have also faced some hatred and/or prejudice, obviously we don’t know for sure as once again, we are currently reading the pov of characters currently residing in the avian territory(though I believe, who intend to soon move to snake territories), but I would be quite surprised if the snake territory in its entirety has welcomed the avian subordinates
I suppose one could look at it as a strange way to portray real world problems with racism but unless the author themself has expressly said as such, I really don’t think it’s that deep, we’re all simply enjoying a silly little manga where men can suddenly sprout wings or turn into literal snakes/dragons and old ‘enemies’ are finding love in eachother, there’s no need to try being real world politics into it

Honey WHAT. No, you're lost. Are you sure your comment isn't meant for another story? Beyond the nonsenseical allegory reading you don't seem to understand the basic storyline or world building or characters or...anything. Moony has very nicely explained it all to you. Perhaps give the story a re-read...?
The manga is supposed to be an allegory to r4cism, the avians are white people and the snakes are poc. That’s it’s weird to me that people like Godo, since he’s supposed to represent r4cism calling snakes inherently evil and dirty. Of course he’s going to treat the MC good, r4cists tend to be cool with people that share their same characteristics but then turn around and treat others that don’t fit their standards like subhuman. The story is about an avian and a snake, not an avian and a r4cist avian.
Also the point of Yahyul having a m4ting season is for him to take the first step, it’s a measure taken by the author because he is not confessing first. He rather leave the MC with Godo and go to another base because he’s not confident in himself, that the MC will ever love him. Because he feels inferior to Godo and the MC, he feels inferior to the avians in general