
theophania August 11, 2023 11:33 am

Is there any way to report this for a correction?
Before there was a flag for this type of thing but it was taken off

    theophania August 11, 2023 11:44 am

    it doesn't look like they uploaded to the wrong story on accident because the one they uploaded now has 224 chapters if they were trying to upload it onto that one but accidentally uploaded it to this page instead it would be understandable however these are old chapters that have already been uploaded almost a year ago the name of the two stories isn't even similar one bit. the other story is called "Temple of the Dragon King" if anyone was interested

    saturnus August 12, 2023 3:23 pm
    it doesn't look like they uploaded to the wrong story on accident because the one they uploaded now has 224 chapters if they were trying to upload it onto that one but accidentally uploaded it to this page inst... theophania

    thank you! i was so entranced by the chapters that were uploaded