
fana August 11, 2023 4:42 am

Skipping the repetitive art "chapter" at 12 am on a school night fighting the urge to sleep bcz i wannaa read more was xD anniying asf

    sinforgorlol September 8, 2023 2:09 am

    the author wont make an official chapter anytime soon since the chinese government said that they shouldn’t or something bc theyre all homophobic

    fana September 8, 2023 4:21 am
    the author wont make an official chapter anytime soon since the chinese government said that they shouldn’t or something bc theyre all homophobic sinforgorlol

    ☹thats so fucking sad like ta men de gu shi isnt even a provocative manhua its just abt a wholesome pair of lovers' daily lifes who just so happened to be wlw☹ RIGJT AND THIS ISNT EVEN THE FIRST TIME i read a good gl abt a doctor n a student which also got discontinued bcz of the government.. the fact tht they would go out of their way to stop queer manhuas yet leave the disgusting rapey manhuas alone says a lot abt the fucking china's gov