Totally get you on that! I’m not sure if you’ve read the novel, but the translator for the one I read said it’s not a romatinc story and certainly not a BL.
I will say, though, that the abuse was toned down for the comic, and that there are many (many) details and things that were skipped or not given that much importance. I feel like things here are happening way faster than in the novel, and that the storyline is a bit lost here.
The ending could be seen as “nice” and “kinda romantic”, but overall, the novel isn’t wholesome or anything like that (very far from it tbh). And it doesn’t matter how much the guy suffered (or how higher level espers are masochists and less empathic), it’s not an excuse for abusing people. But I’ll say the novel is way better at creating an interesting world that’s worth reading.
Of course, I understand that this kind of stuff is very hard to read. Hope you enjoy reading fluffy stuff!

Yeah. I am definitely more interested in the story or at least the implications of what it meant for the esper to get taken over by the monster entity. I can also see that the Guide is the espers last straw or grasp for his own humanity. He remembers saving the boy and afterward, well his life became as you know it. He will probably use the Guide as a master or sun.

I read it from Hsubeans Tranlations! You can just Google it and their website should pop up :3
And their relationship is definitely interesting! You really get to know more about what they think and their feelings regarding everything in the novel. You get to know more about Shinje’s thoughts and way of thinking, and what are Yugeon’s feelings about everything.
It’s only like 10 ch, but they are long. Though they were interesting for me!
At this point all these stories are just stereotypical fifty shades of grey type writing with shitty world building and character work where rape and sexual harassment and marginalization and bullying is encouraged, but then we just slap on the words dark & pSyChOLogiCaL to rationalize it like be fr y’all it’s just a shitty plot with mostly filler kinky hanky panky shit (with the sexy shmexy bonus of characters competing for who has the most tragic backstory).
Like this is not some kind of deep & profound storyline, you don’t need to glamorize it , let’s just admit that this shit isn’t psychological or romantic it’s just weird abusive sex stuff with maybe some cliche fantasy elements…. like we wouldn’t mind if these stories were just upfront about it cuz then we wouldn’t have to waste time reading it to see if it gets any fluffier or better lmao. Shame cuz the art is so pretty. Oh well. Guess I’ll just go reread some Old Fashioned Cupcake or something cuz this shit has me so mentally exhausted.