A thousand craned qouted by dean <3

imnosadist69 August 10, 2023 6:16 am

1.) i'm holding your hands instead of a knife.

2.) i should've asked for my scarf back, i already miss your sweet scent.

3.) A cruel punishment for ignoring reality.

4.) you were holding my hand merely hours ago, yet with this hands i did something dreadful.

5.) I ended up realizing that i can no longer let you go so...im sorry.

6.) As soon as i heard those words i found myself desiring to become the man you think i am.

7.) I wish to become a good person for you.

8.) i know it's dangerous but so what? He's all mine.

9.) i wanted to stop in this business line, But i was afraid. if i stopped i would no longer be needed in this world and i might end up dying...but it's okay now because YOU are my reason.

10.) Ah you have no idea how you are breaking me apart.. only to reconstruct me from the broken pieces. You just have no idea how you're making me want to cling on your feet while bawling my eyes out..

11.) you felt like an ocean to me, by the waves that have always existed deep within me...im consumed whole, consumed by the oceans before me.

12.) is it alright for me to yearn for you? to yearn for someone as beautiful as you... even though im unworthy of you.

13.) there was time when i folded over thousands cranes because there's a saying that you'll have have your wish granted when fold a thousand cranes and you were my dearest wish.

14.) you are my one and only crane.. to me you are my...

15.) what can i do? for you to understand i have fallen madly inlove with you?

16.) i want to be by your side forever until in your final moments

17.) even to my dying breath and beyond i will always forever love you.

    Jassiefresh September 28, 2023 7:45 pm

    You are a godsend. Got all my fav quotes from the story

    hope world ^ ♡ ^ October 5, 2023 1:36 pm

    every scene flashes back as i read each quote. but the best among them all is that "you are my one and only crane, to me you are my... thousand cranes"