Lol I can't help that I feel nothing when I see them. Usually for attraction it's when they move back and forth, it creates movement like waves. Plus Dojun X Jinwoo has more history.
I'm crazy I can reach into the screen and feel the characters thoughts and feelings.
And if people really did like the whole 'healthy relationship' the world would have more healthy relationships. Girlfriends sometimes start shit with their boyfriends to get things moving, because they enjoy a bit drama and movement. No great movie ever has a flat plotline. It's the up and down that creates excitement and range of emotion.
But it's good you prefer healthy relationships :D

hahaha it's okay I understand. I was actually having a discussion with an IRL friend of mine about this particular story today (she hasnt read it yet) and how I don't like Taeseok. Dojun is emotionally and mentally vulnerable and from my perspective, Taeseok is taking advantage of that in a way. Their first sex scene also made me uncomfortable because Dojun was basically love-bombed ans coerced into bottoming even tho he didn't really want to. that's my reason!

That what I meeaan. Especially HEAVY emphasis on the first sex scene. And when he was like 'Jinwoo' I was like bitch you betta not, he even mistook you for him bcoz he's so used to and comfortable with JW. Imo taeseok is like someone who wants to jump in at the first sign of someones relationship failing, ariana grande who?
I either want Dojun X Jinwoo or Gi-tae X Jinwoo.
Dojun X Tae-seok. It's giving nothing.
Hell even Gi-tae and his ex has more chemistry. Tae-seok has as much charisma and sex appeal as a wooden spoon.
I want Dojun to get jealous of Jinwoo and Gi-tae, realise he likes him and then Dojun X Jinwoo Endgame.
And I would also like a break away, side story of Jinwoo X Gi-tae. Because Jinwoo is literally the only most interesting one.
What are the likely chances of that happening idk. But a girl can dream.