idk the tags did already warn everyone what’s coming up and there’s so many stories that are basically just fluff galore with healthy relationships. anyone old enough to read these should be mature enough to put down what goes past their boundaries to begin with. the author did say it was planned for 100 episodes so far so there’s a lotta time left, we are basically just starting with season 1 properly, as it was stated to treat the first half as an epilogue and the author also drawing down their ongoing 18+ delusions too. leon also isn’t really getting to whore levels cus it’s not consensual to begin with did say he also just wanted to save stuff like kisses for the one he actually loves too. quite a pure mc if you think about it. and i’ve seen a lotta stories where both sides are virgins or figuring stuff out properly together. there’s so many stories sometimes you stumble across a lotta hardcore stuff or you find a lotta fluff after fluff or one with a good mix of both. although i agree, justice for leon. man hasn’t lost it yet revenge is always an option. but yeah chapter 1 and 2 shoulda been earning enough for anyone who doesn’t enjoy reading hardcore smut. glad the author is adding to the story tho.

I appreciate your reply thanks. It's hard to find good stories that have the art style I'm looking for. But I'm just hoping someone who stubbles across the webtoon doesn't get addicted to stuff like this. I know the author draws stuff like this but I just know they'd cry if they woke up as leon and had to live his life on infinite loop. To me this story just screams sadness and sex.

Damn I liked this just after reading the first sentence but I wish I could take it back :(
No way you wrote a whole ass lecture here thinking you did some shit... And you disrespected the author too.
You're probably not gonna listen to what I say because you're gonna think I'm just just a 'hater' or something but you're actually so high and mighty I felt like I had to share my thoughts <3
First of all, you do realise that fiction doesn't totally have to totally represent real life ethics right? This is a very typical example people give, but you wouldn't write a whole ass essay talking about why you wouldn't endorse murder, would you? Like yeah every meaningful relationship should have the things you mentioned but not everyone likes reading that(with the exclusion of the virgin thing... You don't have to be a virgin to be in a loving relationship). If we needed to incorporate real life ethics into every piece of fiction then most pieces of work would be so boring they'd be unreadable. The simple fact is this: some men and women like dubious content.
I don't have a love for non-con but there are some I know people who like them and some people who absolutely hate it and they're both the same in real life, their taste in fiction consumption doesn't affect their real life relationships. I've read a a shit ton of non-con in the past but that doesn't mean I've ever endorsed anyone including myself having this sort of Sex in any way.
Respectfully, I'm going to assume you're a young teen who's just discovering their sense of morality and thinks that people are dumb enough to read this shit and equate it to real life. You shouldn't be reading this at all if you're young to be honest, it's clearly adult content and you could take it at face value(but i guess you've done that already).
I was just like this when I was younger, I couldn't stand non-con or a bunch of other things because I myself wouldn't personally do those things but guess what...people aren't like this and not every piece of fiction has to cater to you. Also, some works of fiction are mostly smut and don't have enough character development and story... That's just how it is. Pieces of fiction are created with different aims in mind. You wouldn't expect porn to have a good story, do you? Or, you wouldn't expect more serious works of fiction to have sex scenes yeah?
What's really sad is that people especially use these arguments when it comes to women liking risque stuff in fiction, because they think women are dumb enough to want these things in real life(I've had a man tell me I can't like yanderes because it would mean I want a yandere irl, but it's okay for them to like yandere girls because they understand that it's not healthy to have that type of relationship irl).
What happened to 'don't like don't read'? You saw the warnings at the beginning of each chapter and you still decided to read it and complain about it.
Tldr; don't write a whole ass essay preaching morality and talking about what the author should and shouldn't do, you're like 12 you need to study for your maths test and leave r18 content alone. Leave this for its intended audience and go read some cute shounen-ai or something, there's plenty of good ones out there that are perfectly safe and show healthy relationships.

As a pro-shippet, I totally agree with you. People really need to stop mixing preference on fiction with reality. I love gangbang but I never want it myself. I love threesome and polyamory in fiction but I'm monoamory myself. Fictional preference doesn't defy everything about that person, it's just preference. And yes, the tag said so, the warning said so, yet people still read and complain about it.

Thank you so much for saying this.....I myself am one of those twisted people who like hardcore sex and sometimes feels bad about myself because I feel as if I am encouraging rape......Because of your comment I realized that it's just something I like to real in fiction and don't want something like that to happen to a real person ever....I like reading sweet fluff with consensual sweet love making scenes but sometimes I like reading non-con rapey stuff too because it's all fiction,right? I mean you can like something bad in fiction but hate it in real life,right? Thanks a lot for your comment ♡.

Bruhh you got me searching up words I didn't even know existed 'pro-shippet'
"I love gangbang but I never want it myself." I'm crying wtf. Say this again out loud and slower. Lady can you hear yourself.
"I love threesome and polyamory in fiction but I'm monoamory myself."
Alright this one took me out What even the fuck. Looks like the only threesome you're getting is cheating. I love it and I hate it at the same time - David Kushner
"Fictional preference doesn't defy everything about that person" "I love gangbang" " I love threesome" Speaks for itself. "but I never want it myself" "but I'm monoamory myself" You've already told me about yourself. What like your logic 'defy' the laws of gravity? You're such a hypocrite you're levitating.
Sorry should I have put a TW on my post, yet you "still read and complain about it" PWAHAHAHA

"I myself am one of those twisted people who like hardcore sex and sometimes feels bad about myself because I feel as if I am encouraging rape......" At least you're self aware Consensual non-consent is different to rape. As long as both parties are aware what they're doing is a play. But if they don't, it's r*pe. "don't want something like that to happen to a real person ever" - that would be because they didn't give consent. I'm sure we all want to play out fantasies in safe spaces with our partner and not some with some random stranger.

Bruh if only you scroll down a little bit you'll see that I misspelled and I can't edit my comment so I have to reply my own comment. Man, I feel so bad for how...clueless you are and I can't help but giggle for that lol.
And your point is so invalid. I clearly stated that "threesome or polyamory" which are completely different from cheating or adultery. Google what does "polyamory" mean, homie before you talk back to me because you look so dumb so hard rn. I love reading gangbang or 3P, 4P in fiction but I never want to participate in that kind of sex myself in real life. I'm more like asexual in real life actually but you have no idea about that and think my fictional preferences DEFINE everything about me (I wrote it correctly right now boo). See? I'm asexual and you think I'm into gangbang shits because I read gangbang?? What a logic!
And I'm totally monoamory as I never want any more person in my own relationship but am I against polyamory in real life? Well, as long as everyone's happy and it's NOT my own relationship, I don't care since it's none of my business.
If you anti-shipper think fictional preference is the same as reality, then people who love slasher/murder film must love slashing people in real life too. What a dumb logic!

First of all, You don't know anything about me either....but I never held anything you said against you...Why do you think I am insulting you or defining you by your words...I wasn't talking back to you....Man, you are so insecure for no reason....I think either you don't know english or took my comment completely oppositely....I agreed with the fact that fictional preference is NOT the same as reality...please reread my comment....I am agreeing with you YOU DUMB PERSON!! First read a comment properly before replying to it.....I am not against you but with you....feel bad about yourself because YOU MISUNDERSTOOD ME....not the other way round....
I wish authors would stop treating their ukes/bottoms like prostitutes and whores. He's not a sex machine/robot/doll. I feel the author low has low self-esteem issues, and they only feel validated by the amount of attention and sex they can get from men, and they're projecting it onto Leon. Smh.
Having or/and thinking about sex all the time is a mental illness guys. You need to re-evaluate your thoughts and choices and get a better hobby. It's not good for your health. Leon's treated like a sex object. These relationships are highly unrealistic and exaggerated, they warp your idea about what a relationship between your partner is supposed to be like. Stop consuming too much of content like this. Anything repeatedly done becomes addictive. Give feedback to the author or stopping giving your money and attention to authors until they make better stories and their characters more human. Then authors will be forced to make actual decent stories if they know there is a demand for romantic love and decline in rape and promiscuous stories.
What is the need for authors to always make their characters whores and rape victims?
I have yet to find one story that has both the seme and uke virgins and each others first time, and actually loyal to each other. And not revenge cheating or one-stand with a stranger for the drama.
Is it so hard to make separate stories in one book to see how Leon would pair each of them?
Like day 1 would be Leon and long hair dude verse.
Day 2 Leon and dark skin dude
Day 3 Leon and cat/dog I don't even wtf hybrid mutant ninja turtle guy.
Then repeat the cycle.
Don't make Leon a whore, make 4 different verses to see how 4 different men would pair with Leon. And even have the same (leading romantic interest) characters in all the verses to see how they would also interact with Leon as a friend or enemy (as a side or background character).
Stop with the sex sex sex all the time. Like where is the character expression and development. Can't we have everyone not behave like sex crazed animals for one day.
And where is the slow and meaningful sex. Why does it have to be hard and violent all the time. I can understand consensual non-consent because it's all about power play, but does this look like Leon is giving consent? These types of foreplay are usually done by two consenting adults in a relationship with a safe word. Because it's all about making your partner feel good and safe. Leon's been held hostage by the looks of it.
And it's crazy to I ship Leon with the dark skin guy because they seem to have more chemistry and dialogue.
And lowkey long hair guy because he seems to treat Leon the nicest.
The dog like one just creeps me out.
I haven't kept up with this story since it pissed me off, but I just had to let my feelings out. #JusticeForLeon
This is just my personal take. If your offended, good. Then it means I was talking about you.