I don't know why, but I kinda like the brown haired guy. He is encouraging the MC to grow ...

zamiac August 9, 2023 3:35 am

I don't know why, but I kinda like the brown haired guy. He is encouraging the MC to grow and be strong enough to prove and stand by his ideas. Not to mention he has helped Shirone in past. I can see them becoming good frenemies. I can't wait for our MC to wipe the floor with him though. That 1 point differences is beyond antagonizing! Wipe the smirk off his face, Shirone!

As for the red haired girl Amy, I still don't like her. She is not as bad as before, but she never apologized or did anything to make up for her previous actions. Nothing that benefited Shirone anyway. I hope she graduates soon and Shirone finds a new/stronger goal, but I doubt that happens. In stories like this, it is quite common for the girls with terrible personalities to become the fl instead of the mc cutting them loose or seeking revenge. At least the MC doesn't pay her too much attention.

    kikyobashing101 August 9, 2023 12:29 pm

    Same! The brown haired guy is so good at getting under Shirone's skin! He looks like he'll be a good rival.

    Also, Amy is so frustrating for me. She's letting all of these misunderstandings pile up while Shirone is having to take the brunt of them. He just wants to study, not get a girlfriend! I was really hoping that the knight's older sister would be the love interest. Shirone actually showed interest in her from the beginning, and he even asked if she was dating anyone. Those two are still my wish, but I doubt it with how things are going. Please prove me wrong author!

    zamiac August 9, 2023 1:29 pm
    Same! The brown haired guy is so good at getting under Shirone's skin! He looks like he'll be a good rival.Also, Amy is so frustrating for me. She's letting all of these misunderstandings pile up while Shirone ... kikyobashing101

    Yes, please prove us wrong author!

    Hot Girl Shi August 11, 2023 4:00 pm

    I agree about Eruki or however u spell his name, but i disagree about Amy. I like her now that her character has improved. And she was trying to apologize but didn’t know how. It was the time when the mc gave her apples thinking that she likes apples but she was debating on when and how to apologize. I guess the author just didn’t include it in the end.

    Idk i also disliked her a lot in the beginning. I guess i’m just someone who doesn’t stick with first impressions.

    zamiac August 11, 2023 4:51 pm
    I agree about Eruki or however u spell his name, but i disagree about Amy. I like her now that her character has improved. And she was trying to apologize but didn’t know how. It was the time when the mc gave... Hot Girl Shi

    For me, it is less about first impressions and more about her never rectifying herself or her actions. She can jump to conclusions, act on impulses, and bully somebody, but she cant own up to her actions. Yes, she may have thought about apologizing a few times, but she never actually did. I believe her not apologizing is less to do with her not knowing how and more to do with her pride. If she apologizes and show remorse through her words and actions, I will like her more. Right now, she is not very mature.

    Hot Girl Shi August 11, 2023 4:56 pm
    For me, it is less about first impressions and more about her never rectifying herself or her actions. She can jump to conclusions, act on impulses, and bully somebody, but she cant own up to her actions. Yes... zamiac

    I see. I respect that. What you said is valid.

    zamiac August 11, 2023 5:12 pm
    I see. I respect that. What you said is valid. Hot Girl Shi

    She is definitely a work in progress and has the potential to become a good character though.