this is my opinion so you don't have to agree, but i think it really is a double standard. im aware of the presence of homosexuality in media and ive struggled against homophobia myself but i don't think trying to insult hetero relationships is in anyway helping homophobia. hating in general is just really ignorant and many people should learn to just accept love as it is. we are all humans, being different or conforming to societal norms don't make us any less then we are.

imo it's not really double standards when there are literal laws around gay media, and im certainly not saying its good to hate for no reason morally, but in a literal sense it certainly does not work like that bc it was never equal to begin with. it's not a matter of just opinions, it's a bigger issue than that, which we cant just reduce to a few comments abt a manga.
i would agree if this were the case for real people (like insulting real het people/relationships which do no harm), but saying straight people are allowed to be homophobic about the media we've been able to publicly share after decades of censorship is not it

yes, hetero and homosexual relationships in the public's eyes are treated differently. and i have never once stated that "straight people are allowed to be homophobic about the media we've been able to publicly share after decades of censorship". i said insulting hetero relationships aren't helping the reputation of Homosexuals at all, and i condone no type of hate whatsoever.
i dislike the other persons comment of "i mean if we hold a double standard that technically means straight ppl are allowed to dislike homosexual relationships in fiction", because its honestly creating so much more drama that makes no sense. the way double standard is treated in this message is so negative. in my opinion NOBODY should be allowed to hate or discriminate based off of race, sexuality, religion etc. its saying "both sides can hate on each other because the minority does it so the majority can do it too", i obviously DO NOT agree. its not the right way to approach the argument and i agree it is not it at all.
the double standard that im talking about is, its so inexcusable for a heterosexual to hate on a gay couple (in which, i agree hating someone for liking the same gender is so ignorant and stupid) but its suddenly okay for gay people to hate on a straight couple? i think either situation is bad, its not doing anyone any good.

ok I'm not saying to hold the sexuality of the couple to a double a standard im saying if and IF ( big word being used ) we hold the hate you direct towards both couples to a double standard, the morality of it in general is wrong and unjustifiable to me. Hating the sexuality of any couple just bcs you can is weird to me, it should be what happens within the relationship that determines the feelings you direct towards those two ppl being together not the gender. Hating homosexual couples and hating the dynamic of a homosexual couple is different. Vice versa hating on heterosexual couples and hating the dynamic of the heterosexual couples in question is different. Also yall neglect the last part of what i was trying to say ppl are separating the treatment of couples and ppl in general by what sexuality they lie under but in actuality we all deserve respect and at least an appropriate explanation for disliking certain types of things or even a person. They're are different types of ppl in this world but most of the times there is a just one moral code we all have and should follow.

I'm not referring to the people behind the double standards i'm referring to the hate given as a double standard itself. I felt as if the statement itself was ludicrous so let me replace the adjectives. Like lets say someone said cat lovers are allowed to hate dog lovers in fiction. The stance i hold personally is hate given to any type of animal lover is not right but apart from this whats to say dog lovers shouldn't love cat lovers in fiction by such logic? And if so would you feel the same way if these roles were reversed and a cat lover takes a stance that openly hates something you a dog lover may like or may be in fiction? May you be putting cat lovers on a pedestal that may borderline obsession or superiority by leaving them exempt from criticism even if the hate from the dog lover to the cat lover comes from the pretense of something else rather than being a cat lover? (sorry if all that's confusing but these are all the questioned i had for og person) That's only reason y i made the double standard comparison comment, to question how hate is reflected and received. After all their are both good and bad cat and dog lovers. i don't want to control anyone's likes or dislikes cause I'm not the one but the passion it takes to hate a certain topic is just as strong as the degree to love one so even though another term/sexuality has got a greater amount of love or hate as a term/adjective nothing should receive something as negative as hate just bcs it exists.
But i understand your comment and the connotation of homosexual relationships in media has always been frowned upon since forever so they are not in the same level to compare based on love or hate but understand in my comparison the vocal point is not the subject matter at hand but the problem of hate being inflicted onto one party with such strong conviction not understanding another party. Cause best believe if the person had said cis ppl are allowed to hate on homosexual relationships in fiction instead i would definitely be saying by your conviction gay ppl are allowed to hate on heterosexual ppl bcs no matter who or what it is hate is not emotion to give for no reason. I just felt like no matter what that person would have said i would have stood up for the other side of the argument/debate not bcs of my feelings on the matter but bcs what someone decides to do is their own prerogative although it might not be yours but i want them to think if someone else's opinion/objective openly opposes or rejects their own views how would they feel ab it? would they feel its ok for someone to express such hate or would they feel neutral on the matter. non the less we cant control nobody else but ourselves however i'm just giving insight to what i was trying to say bcs it got misconstrued in a sense able argument ab the power imbalance gay has in the same standard straight holds. However gay and straight aren't the double standard in my comment. ( sorry if this is long )
people saying they didn't like his girl form are crazy... just say u fetishizr gay relationships bc wtf. i thought they were cute despite any gender