I went over there, I even responded to one that said that Candy used Uno and manipulated him. I have no idea how anyone got that, when it was clearly Uno doing the manipulation. I grew to love Uno throughout, don't get me wrong, but I don't understand how anyone got anything selfish from Candy and Hajun. It boggles the mind.

And honestly, it's kind of funny how they think that ,cuz like,I just can't comprehend how they got that impression ,some people should read with more attention istg LIKE HOW DO YOU FIND CANDY MANIPULATIVE?OR THE COUPLE SELFISH?like Candy didn't have any feelings for Uno since the beginning,and Uno did what HE wanted because he loved Candy,he did that out of free will even knowing that candy doesn't reciprocate him,and that's why I like him,but saying that candy is manipulative or selfish is

That's exactly what I was saying! I just don't get it, because Uno knew that Candy didn't love him and in his own way, he stepped back while still loving him. That's what I think people don't get, just because love doesn't work out, doesn't mean it's toxic or feelings go away, in some circumstances. Candy and Uno weren't in a relationship, infact the only man Candy wanted to be with was Hajun and after Uno did what he did, and realized he really hurt Candy, he decided to let him go even though he didn't want to. People don't have to cut people out of their lives because the great love didn't work out. It just means that there is a different form of connection.
You know what's so funny? Even with all the misunderstanding when Candy thought that Hajun was in love with his best friend, he still was respectful to him. I normally don't even respond to a lot of comments but this was such a good story, and I can't understand how people are hating on it for things that didn't happen.
I for one cannot wait for Uno's story, where we actually see him get over Candy and find his own honey lol.

OMG EXACTLY,I COULDN'T SAY IT BETTER. Candy is actually a great character,and actually I think all the characters are great,even hajun's friend,I love candy and just can't stand to see hating on him or the couple in general,I mean, they've already been through a lot like,this story was so WHOLESOME ,it hurts my heart seeing someone hate on them jqsbkwdbwkd AND SAME I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE UNO'S STORYYY (ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Right?! I love this story so much, and you can tell the author spent so much time developing each character, they each had flaws and good points. I love that so much. Going in I thought it would be another good read, but I fell in love the plot and the characters, and I loved that even though they weren't close, Candy and the friend, I forgot his name, but I loved that they have a working relationship, and that Candy was still insecure even though he was getting married. It's just so humane.
If you don't mind me asking what's going to be your next read?

Ahh I see. Anything interesting? Also, as someone who get blocks pretty often from various things, I say take a step back from it, just for one day or two, let yourself not think about it, don't attempt to do what it is, and then go back to it. Even if the results is less than before. Give yourself time to reset, and pushy through the frustration that comes with it.
People in the comments hating on candy or the main couple on general, should REALLY reread the story,but with open eyes this time,since it seems last time they've read the story with one eye ig bro