Looking for this shoujo manga HELP PLEASE

Szhen October 30, 2016 4:41 pm

I have been wanting to read this manga again for so long ! Please help me find it ╥﹏╥

It's about a girl who goes to a theatre , and I guess she auditions to be in a play they are presenting. The male-lead character is a man with black hair , and he has a split personality, one where he's rough and is in love with the girl, and the other has no interest in her (I believe) . We find out later that the spirit of his twin brother is living inside of him and both of them fight for control sometimes in the story. They both fall in love with the girl as the story progresses. And at the end there is only one personality left in the body ( I don't want to spoil the ending).


    sandy October 30, 2016 5:00 pm

    woah this sounds cool, i wanna know too