Scaramouche gf August 7, 2023 2:52 pm

"I've invited the prince to all events, and always rode him... On the clothes wears or the food he eats!"

Excuse me but hold the fuck up, It's your RESPONSIBILITY as a parent to nurture him and give him what he wants cause first of all he NEVER asked to be born in the first place it's your role as parents to do simple things LIKE THAT. It's your ROLE to be responsible it's YOUR ROLE AS A PARENT. This is just like I'm investing my child in everything so they better be grateful for what I gave to them I have the right to hurt them and curse and neglect them SINCE I am THE PARENT IN CHARGE. It's like I'm giving my child a gift without giving them an apology for what they deserve. AND FUCK YOU EMPRESS I HOPE YOU GOT CONSTIPATED!!!!

    TurnIntoAsh August 7, 2023 3:31 pm


    Pol August 7, 2023 4:32 pm

    as much as i'd love to agree, the emperor got raped by that crazy woman.. you could say that he tried his best even tho he actually didn't

    Pol August 7, 2023 4:34 pm
    as much as i'd love to agree, the emperor got raped by that crazy woman.. you could say that he tried his best even tho he actually didn't Pol

    i'm not saying that i support the emperor on his negligence, it's just understandable.. im still hoping he would change since he's really blind and stupid right now. may the seme knock some senses in to his sleeping brain

    Scaramouche gf August 7, 2023 4:42 pm
    as much as i'd love to agree, the emperor got raped by that crazy woman.. you could say that he tried his best even tho he actually didn't Pol

    I mean yeah, but being like that to his kid has never been EXCUSED, Neglecting him like he was the one who caused his problem is a fucking so problematic. They were both victims by this crazy bitch empress, BUT HE SHOULD TREAT HIM RIGHT since the prince is an innocent teenager, who has fucking trauma. I'M SO PISSED!!! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    ky. August 7, 2023 5:54 pm
    I mean yeah, but being like that to his kid has never been EXCUSED, Neglecting him like he was the one who caused his problem is a fucking so problematic. They were both victims by this crazy bitch empress, BUT... Scaramouche gf

    facts, speak your truth fellow jingyuan lover. the prince has got nothing to do with whatever the emperor's hatred has towards the empress. he's innocent.

    TurnIntoAsh August 7, 2023 5:59 pm
    I mean yeah, but being like that to his kid has never been EXCUSED, Neglecting him like he was the one who caused his problem is a fucking so problematic. They were both victims by this crazy bitch empress, BUT... Scaramouche gf

    Ye and he also became a subject of hatred due to fact that he is the queen's son, a product of unwated intercourse. I get the hatred, but for the whole 17 yrs of his son's life?? If the king is atleast a good person, he would protect his son knowing how self centered the queen is.