of course guys can drink with girls without anything suspicious, and vice versa. but the question is, if ever you, are in a relationship ‐ will you let your lover drink alcohol together with a bunch of people plus with the person who's clearly into him? not to mention, that person is not even hiding it, and even if that person knew that your lover already is in a relationship, they still push it. would you?

the question is, are we really sure that the girl and the guy are not friends since they were young? or like they were already friends to begin with? and there's still no indication wether the girl truly liked the guy though, and as far as i know i think that girl didn't know they are STILL dating regardless the issue that came up with the mc being a netkama. so i don't really know why many hated yoona when there's not much evidence yet to prove those words, unless that it truly happened in the raw version. we would never know unless a chapter is released with all of what i said were indicated.

hmmm, it took me long to decipher this coz idk why you referred to 'yoona' as girl on the 3rd sentence and proceeded to say 'yoona'. i thought u were talking about seyeong the netkama and referred to him as 'girl'. makes sense, i never thought of it that way, that Yoona was still oblivious about the fact that they got back together with the netkama.
focc that pick me girl and that suspicious 'boyfriend'. heejae that bastard, who goes and get drunk with girls when he has a supposed to be 'GIRLFRIEND' or when he's supposed to be 'DATING'.