Toxic doomed romance my favs <333

iris!! August 6, 2023 7:15 pm

Some of you guys have to understand that they're toxic bc they're meant to be toxic.... Like yes Heeseo is fucked up, but that's to show the complexity of his character and the situation they are both in.

    toilet terrorist August 6, 2023 7:32 pm

    Its not a romance, what is wrong with you? Heeseo apologists are just as unhinged as Sangwoo apologists

    iris!! August 6, 2023 11:06 pm
    Its not a romance, what is wrong with you? Heeseo apologists are just as unhinged as Sangwoo apologists toilet terrorist

    It was a joke lmao and not once did I say I was a Heeseo apologist or did I justify his actions. ^-^

    toilet terrorist August 6, 2023 11:34 pm
    It was a joke lmao and not once did I say I was a Heeseo apologist or did I justify his actions. ^-^ iris!!

    "like yes Heeseo is fucked up but" The but in this context minimised and or justified Heeseo's actions. Example on what it looked like to me: "yes Sangwoo is fucked up but..." " Yes ted bundy is fucked up but..." "Yes your rapist is fucked up but..." If you didnt mean to act like a Heeseo apologist phrase your sentences better, there is no but here Heeseo is a bad person. Also your joke was very unfunny

    iris!! August 7, 2023 1:28 am
    "like yes Heeseo is fucked up but" The but in this context minimised and or justified Heeseo's actions. Example on what it looked like to me: "yes Sangwoo is fucked up but..." " Yes ted bundy is fucked up but..... toilet terrorist

    It was not my intention to minimize or justify Heeseo's action but to explain them shortly. Obviously Heeseo is a bad person, anyone can see that. Not all jokes are targeted towards you and not all of them have to be funny towards you either. (โ‰งโˆ€โ‰ฆ)

    toilet terrorist August 7, 2023 1:54 am
    It was not my intention to minimize or justify Heeseo's action but to explain them shortly. Obviously Heeseo is a bad person, anyone can see that. Not all jokes are targeted towards you and not all of them have... iris!!

    Alright, my bad then have a good day.