
Opaline August 6, 2023 6:25 am

Do y’all think the professor likes the alpha guy instead? Considering their history of knowing each other and I think when he saw the pic alpha and mc together he zoomed in on the alpha, correct me if I’m wrong

    RyoHwa August 6, 2023 11:24 am

    Yup. Idk why everyone thinks he likes the MC, maybe the cover cause misunderstanding. But to me it looks like the dude is reaching out to our ML

    Opaline August 6, 2023 4:15 pm
    Yup. Idk why everyone thinks he likes the MC, maybe the cover cause misunderstanding. But to me it looks like the dude is reaching out to our ML RyoHwa

    My gut agrees but dang I hope I’m wrong because if so I feel like he’s going to be mean to the uke who idolizes him

    hachi August 10, 2023 2:41 pm


    Opaline August 10, 2023 6:15 pm

    Like, I want him to like the uke at the very least but his jealousy in this chapter was being jealous of the uke 100% not of the ML:( bummer

    hachi August 10, 2023 7:00 pm
    Like, I want him to like the uke at the very least but his jealousy in this chapter was being jealous of the uke 100% not of the ML:( bummer Opaline


    Opaline August 10, 2023 7:04 pm

    I just realized….in BL the 2nd lead is usually there for the ML to realize his feelings and pursue or confess to the MC. Since the ML already likes him the professor pursuing the ML will cause the uke to realize his feelings right?

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ August 10, 2023 7:52 pm

    I agree! It's obvious he likes Jiheon. I feel like since he knows Wooju is a fan of him he's all friendly to get in the way of Jiheon and Wooju's relationship and he knows Jiheon likes Wooju. He seems like he wants Jiheon to himself

    RyoHwa August 10, 2023 8:32 pm
    I just realized….in BL the 2nd lead is usually there for the ML to realize his feelings and pursue or confess to the MC. Since the ML already likes him the professor pursuing the ML will cause the uke to real... Opaline

    OMG U GENIUS, you have a brain in this sea of no brains

    Opaline August 10, 2023 8:38 pm
    OMG U GENIUS, you have a brain in this sea of no brains RyoHwa

    i’m so glad I’m not alone but in reality, I’m just bummed because I really like jealousy MLs and alphas

    P0IS0N August 10, 2023 10:41 pm

    I literally sensed it right when I fucking read it LMAOOOO

    balmy17 August 10, 2023 10:48 pm

    I like this idea more that the professor crushing on Wooju.

    Opaline August 10, 2023 10:53 pm
    I like this idea more that the professor crushing on Wooju. balmy17

    It's less predictable alpha pursuing alpha is rare

    ren August 10, 2023 11:15 pm

    a funnier plot twist would be if that professor is trying to get close to ML for his mom LMAOO

    RyoHwa August 10, 2023 11:19 pm
    a funnier plot twist would be if that professor is trying to get close to ML for his mom LMAOO ren

    Sweet jesus

    RyoHwa August 10, 2023 11:21 pm
    I like this idea more that the professor crushing on Wooju. balmy17

    Yeah but it would make no sense why he suddenly likes Wooju who he has never met before meanwhile it makes more sense if Prof likes Jiheon, the way I see him staring at Jiheon more than once, and they know each other I think. Jiheon is the blondie ML right? I haven’t read this in a while

    RyoHwa August 10, 2023 11:21 pm
    I like this idea more that the professor crushing on Wooju. balmy17

    And not just that but it’s kinda boring if everyone likes the MC, I like some different drama where it’s less predictable

    Opaline August 10, 2023 11:24 pm
    And not just that but it’s kinda boring if everyone likes the MC, I like some different drama where it’s less predictable RyoHwa

    you’re right, I just know I’m gonna end up feeling bad for the uke because I feel like the professor is going to be mean to him or some thing and that’s his idol as well

    RyoHwa August 11, 2023 3:11 am
    you’re right, I just know I’m gonna end up feeling bad for the uke because I feel like the professor is going to be mean to him or some thing and that’s his idol as well Opaline

    Hope not cause then I’ll hate him

    Fujo-ssi August 12, 2023 6:07 am
    Like, I want him to like the uke at the very least but his jealousy in this chapter was being jealous of the uke 100% not of the ML:( bummer Opaline

    Honestly, 2nd male lead liking the mc (who are usually the ukes) have gotten too common and boring, you can literally just read any Manhwa or mangas (especially the popular ones) and then boom!!! Random dude starts liking the uke. That's why when I found out there could be a chance that that prof could like our ml, I was pretty hyped about it cuz then it would break that classic love angle trope. It will be very much refreshing if that really is the case, I'm just starved for something new.

    Fujo-ssi August 12, 2023 6:09 am
    I just realized….in BL the 2nd lead is usually there for the ML to realize his feelings and pursue or confess to the MC. Since the ML already likes him the professor pursuing the ML will cause the uke to real... Opaline

    I would absolutely love this to happen