Thank you for call me Tora. I would want to be him. He is smart. He is kind. He goes out of his way to help anyone.
He is great at analyzing. He is calm. He is a walking textbook.
He is very professional and detailed. I am not.
He is balanced. Very assertive and respectful. Open-minded. Tora does not cuss. He has strong principles and moral values.
I rather be him than you.
Over a week of “you are the same person”, “you are the same person”. We never care. I find it a compliment. I can never be him or Mi Amore. It is sad you can’t tell us apart.
I know. What is funnier Rose and Mi Amore has barely been here and they are still us.
They will not look at we were at the same post writing and posting messages either. two replies were almost the same time. But “You are the same person”. What!? I rather be Tora than them. You would think Tora and Mi Amore would be more active here?
I would rather be Mi Amore than them. I would change genders.
I don’t know you that well but from the little I seen I rather be you than them.
But to tell you the truth I rather be me. It is the same patterns over and over again. They have nothing new. It is just pathetic hate.
Are they actually people who enjoy this shit?
Edit: Not some of you weird ass yaoi fans saying that the seme isn't a rapist (>∀<)