Reading for the side chars <3

Lovlis August 5, 2023 9:50 am

Tbh I do not like the mc… ik the emperor was a horrible father and the main villain of the story but a lot of people go thru this and don’t commit mass murder?? And the way she thinks is sorta dumb and illogical (why doesn’t Theon like me x100 after killing his bff, like be fr). I would honestly still like her even if she’s supposed to act as a typical “villainess”, but she’s not even smart enough to pull it off? She just does everything w brute force by killing ppl. she’s a young adult but behaves like a petty 10 yr old in her past life and in her current life rn. She acts like those mindless second tier villains not aren’t even that scary just annoying… unless that’s the point.
She decided to kill ppl bcuz boo hoo Theon doesn’t like her back lmao, and it’s so unbelievable that she’s so caught up w him cuz they have 0 chemistry or interactions rlly…

    taelika August 7, 2023 5:23 am

    who cares that was her past life not her current everybody revived technically and the point is literally that she's trying to not redo the same mistakes that she did in her past life like? Did you even read?

    WinterSky August 7, 2023 2:01 pm

    I agree she is dumb and illogical but that's mostly because of her upbringing, unlike most of the typical villainess who've reincarnated or atleast had a guardian or a teacher (she never had proper education) even if its the abusive kind they would still be disciplined on morals and rules meanwhile the mc here never had an adult around her and her father would as much as possible ignore her showing us she never had any form of proper guidance that would tell her what's wrong or right.

    Also uve pointed out she's a "petty 10 yrs old" but that conflicts with what u've said, have u ever seen a "petty 10 yrs old" commit mass murder? I know I haven't. You're looking at it in a normal persons perspective, has it ever occurred to you that the mc is "mentally ill"?

    and on the topic of "typical villainess" they dont kill not because they have morals but because there are people who's ready to kill for them (ml's, family, etc.)-- i read alot of villainess story too-- but in our mc's case she doesn't have anyone like that.

    Just my opinion, but frankly a typical villainess is quite the hypocrite and two dimensional who'd think that a horrible person is just plainly evil atleast this story fleshes out the characters and tells us theres no real "antagonist" in the story (let's be honest here, the father is horrible but other than neglecting her would you say he's evil to his countrymen? His subordinates? He's a good ruler but not a good father, but that alone doesn't make him a villain)

    chevy August 7, 2023 3:20 pm

    how is she supposed to act like adult when she wasn’t raised like at all

    Lovlis August 14, 2023 8:03 am
    who cares that was her past life not her current everybody revived technically and the point is literally that she's trying to not redo the same mistakes that she did in her past life like? Did you even read? taelika

    But the thing is it just seems way too easy for her… like she caused so much pain for almost no reason and then just gets to redo it all w little consequences. And there’s been no actual character development or arc that Ive seen that explains her dramatic change in attitude. It’s like two diff people. Also even tho she’s an adult in her current life, she acts super immature.
    And my comment abt her having little chemistry w theon and therefore making her obsession w him (and all the chaos she caused cuz of him) even more ridiculous still stands. Did you even understand my reservations or do I have to like the manhwa for you to think I read it?

    Lovlis August 14, 2023 8:28 am
    I agree she is dumb and illogical but that's mostly because of her upbringing, unlike most of the typical villainess who've reincarnated or atleast had a guardian or a teacher (she never had proper education) e... WinterSky

    She didn’t have a conventional education but the past life her was v dedicated to literature and education. She read a ton of books to try to prove her intelligence and she was much smarter than ray and the others who went to the academy (considering how she got a 0 on the test which is more proof). Aside from the fact that you can definitely gain moral lessons and a compass from literature and history, I still find her actions rlly weird. Where did that intelligence of hers go if she just would do everything w brute force and be a horrible leader? I do get that she didn’t have a good parental figure which messed her up but that’s not to say she didn’t have any role models… her governess for example was a kind and good person. And look at her current life- she’s a kind and amazing marie sue that everyone loves… but where did this change in attitude come from? Where did she suddenly gain that moral compass u said she didn’t have? She knew how to be a good person (like when she made that list), she just wasn’t one before.
    Also, obviously a 10 yr old can’t commit mass murder, because they aren’t in a position of authority to do that. I’m saying her actions are so immature, plus she has the power to do so. It’s one thing if she had an interesting philosophical reason or belief for her mass murder, it’s another if the reason for her actions is… cuz her crush don like her (which is once again v elementary).
    And abt the mc being mentally ill… idk what ur saying w this? Mental illness doesnt mean mass murders? And perhaps I would understand it better if the manhwa showed some semblance of a character arc and development but it doesn’t. She dies and wakes up into a marie Sue (where did the mental illness and psychopathy go?)
    If she was as intellegent as she should’ve been she def could have found a way to at least be a decent ruler or able to manipulate the court a little bit and not just kill ppl on site. Look at the ml- he came from nothing and was intelligent enough to have his way without appearing immature and unstable.
    I get that it’s trying to make an interesting protagonist by giving her a backstory, but it just doesn’t match. Her backstory and reasons for her tyranny (Theon) just doesn’t convince me to understand her crimes. And now everything is under the rug and she is loved by almost everyone, everything is too easy for her. This is a issue in many reincarnation manwhas tbh.

    Lovlis August 14, 2023 8:32 am
    how is she supposed to act like adult when she wasn’t raised like at all chevy

    Did you know a ton of people grow up w neglectful parents and dont become psychopathic mass murderers?
    Also read my above reply- she had resources and some parental care. She had a moral compass and knew how to be a good person, she just didn’t want to be one. Which is totally fine, I support women’s wrongs but the reason for it (her crush doesn’t like her and rightfully so) is so dumb

    chevy August 14, 2023 1:22 pm
    Did you know a ton of people grow up w neglectful parents and dont become psychopathic mass murderers?Also read my above reply- she had resources and some parental care. She had a moral compass and knew how to ... Lovlis

    please don’t talk smart to me because i’m not the one :). my comment saying how can you expect her to act as an adult still stands. i never mentioned or excused her mass murdering so stop. not all people who were neglected became abusive or mass murderers, but through behaviors and reaction you can still see it was the cause of their neglect. hers obviously is on a greater scale due to her father putting heavy “you killed your mother guilt and are useless” on her and her brother not doing anything. i never said it’s excusable i’m just saying it makes sense. she had a governess but they are just there to make sure you stay out of trouble and made it to whatever you had planned without interfering , so she had no teaching then of basic moral compass. ALSO, she does get character development, even now she’s not trying for the throne and her main objective is just making sure the people she cares for are safe. it’s going to be slow because like you said she was a tyrant. it’s not going to happen over night.

    chevy August 14, 2023 1:28 pm
    Did you know a ton of people grow up w neglectful parents and dont become psychopathic mass murderers?Also read my above reply- she had resources and some parental care. She had a moral compass and knew how to ... Lovlis

    & yes there was literature, but it’s not like she was reading fairy tale books or the bible (which was the majority how kids developed their moral compass during imperial rule) she was majority reading of past regimes and rule, which most likely taught the history of slavery, imprisonment , tyranny rule, wars etc. so literature with no teacher could arguably have had an aid

    Lovlis August 18, 2023 4:49 am
    please don’t talk smart to me because i’m not the one :). my comment saying how can you expect her to act as an adult still stands. i never mentioned or excused her mass murdering so stop. not all people wh... chevy

    Hey, could we have a normal discussion w differing viewpoints w/out thinking I’m talking smart? I never said you were trying to justify her crimes, I’m saying the REASON for them is illogical. She did a lot of her actions bcuz of theon, which you never mentioned. Her crimes just seem v exaggerated for her backstory and reasons. Pls tell me how it “makes sense”. Usually tyrants are evil at heart and/or have a philosophical motivation or maybe for revenge on a group of ppl, or smth like that (at the top of my head I’m thinking of johann from Monster who is evil because he is simply evil and enjoys watching others suffer. Or Eren from attack on Titan who did genocide for a mixture of revenge and self preservation. Even Set from Ennead, did his actions out of fear and a sense of superiority over humans.) almost all the time I see fictional tyrants and can understand their actions or that it’s simply part of their char. But for our mc, none of that applies. She isn’t actually evil, and she isn’t doing smth as part of a grand plan.
    Her character development mostly already happened, since when she was reborn she alr resolved to be a good person and blah blah. But it was just a dramatic jump from her attitude in her previous life. I reread how she was and she was so psychotic and crazy that when u look at her now it’s a huge change that we don’t even see the arc or that development.
    And also abt her not having a moral compass… she knows how to be a good person. She is able to look at her past life and know what she did was wrong. But let me ask you, where did she gain this morality all of a sudden? Her childhood was the same. She still had no teachers or parental care. She still used books to educate herself. The reason is likely that she always had a moral compass but just didn’t care enough.

    Lovlis August 18, 2023 4:52 am
    please don’t talk smart to me because i’m not the one :). my comment saying how can you expect her to act as an adult still stands. i never mentioned or excused her mass murdering so stop. not all people wh... chevy

    In fact her actions of mass murderer and war were almost like a side note lol… in the narration she focuses on murdering her brother and obsession w Theon. Then it’s like oh btw I also killed thousands of ppl cuz of war. Cuz why? Cuz she could. It’s pretty obvious that part wasn’t rlly thought out well or there wasnt much importance to it.

    chevy August 18, 2023 12:54 pm
    Hey, could we have a normal discussion w differing viewpoints w/out thinking I’m talking smart? I never said you were trying to justify her crimes, I’m saying the REASON for them is illogical. She did a lot... Lovlis

    we are but the tone and how you were talking came off as really passive aggressive so that’s why i said that. if i read your tone wrong that’s my bad. and i didn’t mention theon because that wasn’t the main focus of my own argument about her acting as an adult. i wasn’t mentioning ANYTHING you said after nor was i disagreeing. i was talking about your first few sentences and tying it back to about acting like an adult. and you’re saying usually tyrants are at heart but when studying this, in my opinion there’s way more layers to a tyrant than “evilness” at heart. you’re ignoring key factors like environment, family history, training, past history that they themselves are taught. again i’m not excusing everything but i’m saying this things have been good explanations of tyrannical rule during imperial times dated back in B.C - 1400 times. if your talking more recently that’s a different ball park. i’m not going to answer all your arguments because it’s long and i think i cleared up the misunderstanding? but to answer your last questions, unless you read the novel, it’s obvious the webtoon is face paced (like majority of them are compared to the novel) but even so we do see inner turmoil within herself when she’s faced with talking and interacting with her brother and theon. I don’t think she jumped to just being a good person. ex, she stopped doing things to please her “father” and has been trying to live a quiet life. she’s still uncomfortable interacting with them and also is starting to realize the dynamics she had with the ml. and for your last question i, i never said she didn’t know what she was doing was wrong, just that her past contributed to those decisions. I mainly think she’s acting this way because she came back with her past memories, and ofcourse remembers the feelings after everything. she realized doing that and ruling in such a way did not help her nor give her the satisfaction she thought she had.

    chevy August 18, 2023 12:57 pm
    In fact her actions of mass murderer and war were almost like a side note lol… in the narration she focuses on murdering her brother and obsession w Theon. Then it’s like oh btw I also killed thousands of p... Lovlis

    in my opinion they don’t really talk that much about it bc of condensing and story for plot armor. when i think of other stories with the ml being the tyrant instead, very few mention it (and actually use it as part of his personality as a turn on which is ????) so that’s what they are doing for this